Monday 28 November 2016

Coronation Street episode review, Monday 28 November

The episode starts with Yasmeen selling her jewellery to pay for the haq mahr (dowry) that the Nazirs should pay to Rana on the occasion of her wedding to Zeedan. Little does she know that Zee is thinking of calling the whole thing off. Sharif's infidelity has made him question his feelings for Rana, his belief in the sanctity of marriage, and he is worried that he and his fiancée will end up like his grandmother and father. In the meantime, Rana's parents come 'round for lunch and nikkah chat. I'm a bit disappointed by the family Habeeb: I thought from Rana's (presumably over-dramatic) description that they were going to be ogres. But the worst they say is that Rana is, or was, "high-spirited" and was popular with the men. Hardly terrible stuff. Anyway, the upshot is, despite Mr H offering to pay the mahr, that the wedding is off! For now.

On hearing that Liam is missing his mum and crying at school, Aidan hires a hotshot lawyer to take on Maria's case, much to his family's disgust. Johnny tells Aidan to drop it and Kate flounces out of the pub, taking her "manager of a second division football club" sheepskin jacket with her.

The Aadi/Asha vs Erica battles heats up a notch as the latter discovers the former hasn't been handing in his homework and insists that the twins do their schoolwork in the shop (it's unclear why Dev isn't looking after his kids). Instead of literacy or numeracy, the twins work on thievery as they nick some scratchcards and win £300, roping in Bethany to claim the loot in return for a share of the profits. Maybe Aadi needs to do a bit of maths homework, since he can't work out what his share of the spoils is.

In "dude, where's my car" news, Adam is still ribbing Daniel, who takes Ken and Eccles out for a walk/sit down on Maxine's bench, where Ken admits he wishes he'd been there for Daniel more as he was growing up. Later on, in the pub, observing Ken and his son, Mary rushes out as if she's just remembered something. Could it be a new plotline? By the way, is anyone going to tell Lawrence and James Cunningham about Ken's stroke, since the Barlows are joining forces to create the most powerful crime family in Weatherfield reuniting?

Rachel Stevenson

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  1. I wondered that too about Lawrence and James, no mention of them whatsoever? Even if they weren't able to be on the show, they could at least be mentioned or sent a get well card.

  2. I found the scene with Rana & her parents and Zeedan with Yasmeen almost laughable. It was so obvious that they were trying to squeeze 5 people around that little table, leaving one side free for the camera. Surely they could have positioned it better.

  3. I think some rewriting must have happened with Rana's parents. I felt sure that they were going to be strict in their religious views and that was why Rana fell out with them. Apart from her father being rather too informative about her previous boyfriends (and that was unlikely in the circumstances), I couldn't see what the issue was. Perhaps the two sets of parents were originally going to disagree about life styles.
