Saturday 20 August 2016

Reasons to be cheerful about Coronation Street

Although there are a few frustrations with Coronation Street at the moment (and you can read about those here), there's a lot I'm currently loving about our favourite show.

Over the last few weeks I've noticed a stronger Coronation Street, a better Coronation Street. The acting has been of a better calibre than in recent months, the writing tighter, the scenes more heightened and the drama more compelling. 

Has anyone else noticed this, or am I viewing things through rose-tinted Corrie specs?

The first thing I'm loving is that the new producer Kate Oates is now at the helm. I understand that her storylines won't be shown until next month, but she's got her name above the door now. The new producer is most definitely IN.

Putting Sean and Norris together could be a match made in heaven. Since Sean arrived in Coronation Street 13 years ago, he's always lived with Eileen.  Moving him out of what has become his home and in with busy-body of the Street could be comedy gold. I hope, also, we'll see a great deal of pathos between these two lonely (and often quite nasty) men.

I'm also loving the on-screen chemistry between Leanne and Nick.  These are two characters I'm not right fond of individually but there's something about them both together that works - and it works really well.  I never felt Nick and Carla were suited but Leanne and Nick are a match made in soap heaven and a real joy to watch.

And Audrey's infatuation with Luke is a joy to watch too.

Speaking of Audrey, this leads me to think about Freddie, who has been a great addition to the cast. But it's not just individual characters that are driving Corrie forward at the moment, it's the types of characters, the strength of them.  In Freddie and Johnny Connor we've got a new type of Corrie alpha male, and one that is great fun to watch.

Of course, Corrie is still missing a battle-axe and a siren but with the promised return of three male members of the Barlow family - Peter, Daniel and Adam - I think the future's looking bright on Coronation Street.

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  1. With you on everything, I hope they keep Leanne and Nick together, it was wrong to split them before I always felt. They are a real power couple together.
    I think the episodes this week have been tighter, fast paced, varied in content and characters - it's kept me watching more closely rather than having half my concentration on my phone during the repetitive dullness typified by SB's efforts.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly, I'm really enjoying Corrie just now, tuning in regularly because it feels like it's emerging from a dismal period.
    I'm also a fan of Nick and Leanne, they are characters that I root for.

  3. The tide hasn't turned yet but I'm hopeful it won't be long. It's that hope for the future that seems to make things lighter now. How is it when you're working your notice at a horrible job, the last few weeks don't seem horrible at all? I'm looking forward to Kate (see, we're already on first names!)pushing forward with her new storylines: Peter's return, Norris & Sean, Leanne & Nick. I hope she gets rid of a huge amount of dead wood that's been dragging Corrie down.

  4. Also, with the Nazir's upcoming storyline, it makes me think Kate Oates has big plans for them. Could be interesting! I've grown to like the Nazirs quite a bit.

  5. Maybe a bit rose tinted! I agree with you about the things to look forward to, but some of the ongoing storylines are still dreadful. But this is a positive blog post, so I'll say that I'm very much looking forward to the return of Peter and brothers.

  6. Hopefully more investment in the oldies and reinvigorate the women! 😊

  7. The street residents are talking to each other again, they've been locked in their own little bubbles for far too long.
    And I hope Kate can sort out the elastic house situation too, it's getting rediculous.

  8. I never liked Nick and Leanne together, I always felt that she settled for Nick. I am not crazy about Nick but he's a good Corrie character and I do like Leanne.

    Love Freddie and I really want he and Audrey to get together once his grieving period has eased up. Audrey and Ken are the mismatch of the century.

  9. I'm not best pleased with the Steve/Michelle/Leanne story-line. It's early days and I'm finding it arduous. All I can see from here is more yelling, crying and broodiness and I'm not looking forward to it.

    On a brighter note, Sean's moved in with Norris and Gemma's still around! And Sophie's disappeared for the time being.
