Thursday 28 July 2016

Coronation Street Weds 27th July episode review

Hello! It's just Jordan with this week's Wednesday review. Apologies for the lack of review last week - work just got on top of me like a derailed tram.  I've managed to plough my way through six episodes over the course of one evening and now, with my head whirring with thoughts of cobble drama, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode.

It's been an action-packed couple of weeks on our favourite street; we said goodbye to Kylie NotMinogue and I have been finding the episodes since her demise much more emotional than the somewhat stereotypical ratings-grabber episode dished up on the day she died.  Now it's time to get the important things organised and David has set to organising a funeral for his wife. When a liaison officer calls round with a bag of Kylie's possessions, both he and Gail are a little taken aback to find in it the jacket David was wearing at the time of the murder, still stained with Kylie's blood. Gail suggests he disposes of it,  a suggestion he later agrees to. He seems to have entered into an eerily calm phase of organisation. Deciding upon a humanist ceremony for his wife, with poems and songs instead of hymns, he plans the sad occasion with Billy. Gail stands watching them make plans and is growing more concerned about her son. Up until now, she herself seems to have had a systematic response to Kylie's death. She's doing what she can to support David but she, of all people, knows that life goes on in the face of death. Still, the news that Sarah is finally coming home from the psychiatric ward she really should have been on years ago on Friday lightens the mood a little.

"I'm worried he's bottling things up"

The other storyline dominating the Street at the minute is Leanne's pregnancy. We recently learned (as if we didn't know already) that Steve McDonald is the mystery father of the latest Battersby. an odd pairing to say the least. Only Soapland fate could lead Steve McDonald to Leanne Battersby's flat for way too much drink and a one night stand. In order to force the storyline to go that little bit further, Michelle is now playing best friend to the woman who is pregnant with her husband's baby and has decided she wants a baby with said husband. Old McDonald is against the idea though - apparently for that very reason. He thinks that he and Michelle are too old to have a baby. Isn't that right, Leanne? In a plot filler even more contrived than the friendship of Leanne and Michelle, Steve has now found an instant best friend in Dev. Yes, the local shopkeeper is now playing confidant to the local landlord. For some reason. After doing his usual trying-to-be-hilarious routine, he basically stupidly tells Steve that if he refuses to have a baby with Michelle then he risks losing her. I guess this explains why Dev has so many children dotted about all over the place. Honestly -  I would say that this whole thing about Michelle suddenly wanting a baby is nothing more than diluted fuel to add to the dying fire of contrived drama. Unfortunately, Steve listens to Dev and relents to a delighted Michelle by the end of the episode. You may be the most fertile man in Weatherfield, Steve, but that doesn't mean you should go round proving that title willy-nilly. It won't end well. As Michelle throws her arms round her husband, Liz pulls face akin to the frustrated matrons of storylines gone by. I don't think Michelle and Steve will end up having this baby anyway. Leanne and Steve's oh-so brilliant pact to lock away his paternity as a secret forever and ever is sure to be exposed soon.
"This has got disaster written all over it!"
"Well, we shall see"
"Indeed we shall"

Elsewhere, the gorgeous vicar and the equally as gorgeous florist graced our screens again tonight after an absence of a week or so. I've missed them so much! Anyway, it looks like Eileen is beginning to suspect something after she spots Todd swooning over his phone when he receives a text from Billy. Unfortunately, Sean is not staying in London permanently and is very conveniently returning home early from his trip to see Violet and Dylan. This gives the new couple very little time to formulate a plan on if, how and when to tell Sean. Not that it should really matter; it's nothing to do with him.  They're also struggling to keep a lid on things around Eileen and Pat. Not that this should matter either, but because Eileen is getting dafter and dafter lately so she'd probably side with her lodger rather than her son. However, I am still really enjoying the Todd/Billy storyline and the third-best thing about it is the ever-loving support they receive fromTracy.

"Oooh! Don't mind me, guys. You can use the back room if you like. Don't worry, I won't grass you up, Vicar"
"Tracy, we weren't do anything"
"Only, stay clear from the boiler because it's gas. One spark from you two and the whole place will blow up"

 A rather good episode tonight. However, I am still not sure I understand the Leanne/Steve storyline. It seems a little vague and random to me. On a positive note, though, nothing bad can be said about Jane Danson as Leanne. She is a strong actress and can always be relied upon to pull off a stellar performance no matter what is thrown at Leanne.

The Platt scenes following Kylie's death have been fantastic. The episode where it all happened was brilliantly acted but the script and story were just contrived. I hate having to use that word so frequently when reviewing Corrie, but it's becoming particularly and sadly useful.  On a lighter note - more Todd and Billy, please!  Oh, and a very warm welcome back to the ever-fabulous Eva, the glamour of the Street who has returned from France.

As always,

Thanks for reading!


Twitter- @JordanLloyd39

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  1. Steve and Dev were pals a long time ago -- not as close as Steve and Lloyd, but they'd drink together, golf, that kind of thing. I think Becky robbing the shop during the tram crash drove a wedge between them?

  2. It occurred to me that the 'advice' scene would have been better coming from Tim rather than Dev. Not only is Steve closer to Tim these days, (new though their friendship is, sometimes it happens that two personalities just click) but also the lessons Tim's learned from missing Faye growing up and having to part from his granddaughter have left him acutely aware of how fulfilling children can be - whereas Dev, who has about 17 kids & grandkids beyond Aldi and Netto but never sees or references any of them, could hardly be seen as an apostle of parenthood!
    And besides, Tim lifts any scene he's in, whereas Dev just makes it cringeworthy ...

  3. Maybe the writers will exercise delayed gratification and no one will find out Steve and Leanne's little secret for the next 16 years. Until his two children with Leanne and Michelle, now frisky little teenagers, get the hots for one another...

  4. I was also going to cite Dev/Steve's friendship in past years - there was a storyline where they were trying to one up each other in golf of all things.

  5. The other day Steve asked Leanne if it was just one baby. Her having twins might have set folk thinking. 😁 But it's bound to come out some time - maybe some illness in the future that requires a blood transfusion or organisation donation from the father?

  6. What irked me about Eva's return was that the first thing Leeanne told her was that she was pregnant not that her good friend Kylie was murdered.
    I hope we do see Eva offering her support to David and the children before the funeral.

  7. Anonymous 16:11 - you can't have been watching very carefully, Eva clearly already knew about Kylie as she spoke to David in the street and offered her support. It wasn't till after that that Leanne told her she was pregnant.

  8. Would the police really have returned a blood soaked jacket? It seemed very insensitive to me.

  9. I also can't believe the police would return a bloodstained jacket - another plot device to upset David.

    P.s. in my earlier post I meant organ, not organisation, obviously. Blame auto-correct / predictive text.

  10. Cobblestone....Steve needs to look no further than himself. He wanted nothing to do with Amy for the first year of her life as he was so busy keeping Karen happy. So ...he should learn from that experience.....
    Also....when he thought he might lose Leanne's was interesting that he asked - just one- this is no doubt in response to his twins he lost with Tracy.
