Wednesday 20 July 2016

Canadian Corrie schedule changes during the Olympics

It's that time of year again, folks. The Olympics are back on our screens and CBC has announced the schedule changes for Coronation Street.

For the week of August 1 - 5, there will be DOUBLE EPISODES aired. There doesn't appear to be an omnibus on Sunday, August 7 but you can catch up online. 

NO CORONATION STREET for the week of August 8 - 12 and August 15 - 19.

For the next two weeks, August 22 - 26 and August 29 - September 2, DOUBLE EPISODES of Coronation Street will be aired and we'll be back up to date.

The double episodes will be starting at 7 p.m. your local time EXCEPT for Friday, August 5 when Corrie will air early at 5 p.m. (but as always, check your local schedule to be sure)

Corrie is back to it's regular schedule the week of September 5 EXCEPT Wednesday, September 7, when Corrie airs LATE  at 11:30 p.m. ONLY due to the Paralympic programming. 

Refer to this post by CBC for any other detail.

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  1. I kinda hoped they would tack on an additional week of double episodes to get us back to being only 2 weeks behind the UK given they have been airing 6-episode weeks the last few months (which has put us about 3 weeks behind). :-(

  2. Stephen, I think you're wrong on a few points.

    First, we are only about two weeks behind, not three. For example, the Kylie finale was shown in the UK on July 15. It is scheduled on CBC for the 29th.

    Second, they have tacked on an extra week of double episodes - we are missing two weeks, but are getting three weeks of doubles. This will put us back to only one week behind.

    Third, they will not start showing six a week in the UK until some time early next year. I assume that the CBC will follow suit. They have been showing some extra episodes in the UK in the past month but that was mainly to make up for missed episodes due to Euro Cup coverage.

    Marvin Kaplansky

  3. This is almost as frickin agravating as tracy barlow :-(

  4. I really don't like this. Not into Olympics waste of money. Wish I could move to UK I am part British as my Grandma is from Yorkshire

  5. Bah, it gets moved for the Stanley Cup, now the Olympics. *sigh*
    It's only a 1/2 hr show for heaven's sake. You think they could just leave it be.
