Thursday 19 May 2016

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Thurs 19 May

Thursday 19th May
IZZY FALLS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE LAW When Izzy fails to show up, Anna insists on accompanying Gary to court. In the police station, Izzy’s scared as she realises the seriousness of the injury she inflicted on the officer. The police search Izzy and find a small stash of cannabis down the side of her chair. Izzy explains that it’s just for pain relief. Gary arrives back from court relieved to have got a suspended sentence but annoyed at Izzy’s lack of support. Izzy, however, is facing some serious charges.
JOHNNY’S PART OF JENNY’S PLAN As the journalist leaves, Sally makes bitchy comments about Jenny and Johnny leaps to her defence, putting Sally in her place. Jenny overhears Kate talking about Johnny’s last girlfriend and how she gave him the runaround but it only made him keener, Jenny forms a plan and suggests to Johnny that they stick to being colleagues and nothing more. Johnny’s hurt whilst Jenny’s quietly pleased. When Jenny suggests she’d like to become a machinist, Johnny promises to see what he can do.
TODD AND BILLY ARE BOUND BY A SECRET In Preston’s Petals, Billy confides in Todd how his brother Lee is a heroin addict, their parents are dead and how he wishes he could help him. At Billy’s request, Todd promises to keep schtum about Billy’s family problems but warns him that Sean is becoming very suspicious and suspects him of cheating.
ELSEWHERE After a successful first day at the garage, Freddie calls in the salon with flowers for Kylie.  When Audrey suggests a drink, Freddie declines telling her he’s too busy. Kylie clocks Audrey’s disappointment.
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1 comment:

  1. The more I see them together, the more I think Billy and Todd were made for each other.
