Tuesday 22 March 2016

Top 25 Favourite Corrie Females - No. 14


Duration: 2011-
Played by: Catherine Tyldesley
2012 character poll position (women): Not included

Introduced as Rovers landlady Stella Price’s daughter. She secures a job at Nick’s Bistro and soon embarks on a relationship with Nick. When she finds out that Leanne Barlow is her half-sister, she is initially wary but over time they form a close bond.

After being dumped by Nick, she then begins a relationship with Rob Donovan. But when she realises he’s been cheating on her, she sets her sights on Nick who is now on the verge of marrying Leanne. Knowing that Leanne confided in Peter, Eva sabotages their wedding and it is called off. But Nick and Leanne marry the following month.

After a karaoke night in the Rovers, Eva spends the night with Jason Grimshaw and they embark on a relationship. The relationship is strong until Jason mistakenly believes that Eva is having an affair with his father Tony in 2015. Eva leaves the street briefly to visit her grandmother in Spain. She later returns and catches the eye of factory owner Aidan Connor.

Jobwise, after leaving her post at the Bistro she has been working on and off at Underworld as a machinist and briefly as PA and she’s also a member of the current bar staff at the Rovers. Her lovable persona and questionable outfits has seen her been compared to both past barmaids Bet Lynch and Raquel Wolstenhulme.

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  1. Love Eva. She's turned into a really wonderful character.

  2. I agree with Tvor. Eva is a character with some depth, vulnerable but she can be tough when cornered, rather like Liz. She is too good for the cardboard-cutout Aidan. She needs to be independent or matched with someone great.

  3. Please no......her placing 14th will only encourage TPTB.

    The voice really grates and I can't stand her cackle!

    Also, her recent storyline with Marta must surely rank as one of the most BORING (not to mention least credible) in the programme's lengthy history.

  4. I love Eva! She's an airhead with a heart of gold (and easy on the eyes). You can pair her with anyone, even snarly Simon, and get a good scene. I so wish they had found a way to get her back with Jason; they're the same kind of pretty vapid sweet, as opposed to dull as dust Aidan. Oh well.

  5. Catherine Tyldesley rocks as Eva. Always love a funny beautiful comedienne who is not afraid to pull a face. She is like the Lucielle Ball of Coronation Street.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Eva is now my favourite current character. She owns every scene.

  8. I think she's going to step in and fill that big hole that Alison King will leave when she exits stage left. And good for her, she's been on the show long enough to show that she's got staying power, she can do drama, comedy, and that laugh!
    Love the comment above comparing her to Lucille Ball!

  9. Just goes to show you can't please everybody - I love Eva - hope she stays on for many years to come - she is a breath of fresh air and as commented above works well with all the rest of the cast. Sorry Anon 17:25 you are the only naysayer.

  10. A superb corrie female in the traditional sense. Reminds me of Raquel, even a young Vera Duckworth. A fine comedy actress with some depth.
