Friday 4 March 2016

Remembering Tony Warren, Ena Sharples' father

I never imagined that after a few weeks away from writing from the blog, my first post would involve I'd be paying tribute to Tony Warren, who sadly died earlier this week.

The news of his death on Wednesday lunchtime shocked me so much that I couldn't find words to describe how thankful I am for his simplistic little idea about a gritty northern back street. That idea has spawned into one of the most successful programmes on television, and is one of the longest running television programmes in the world. It's incredible to think he was just 24 when he came to think of it.

Coronation Street means so much to me; from how relatable to how humble it is, from the early days to the episodes of today, I have so much to thank Tony Warren for.

Tony Warren and his legacy will never be forgotten. He was a genius.

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