Tuesday 8 March 2016

Eileen snogs Phelan in Coronation Street

The previews for next week's Coronation Street reveal that Eileen gets to grips with Phelan and the two of them become an item.

When Phelan chats her up, Eileen suggests they have lunch in the bistro.  However, she knows there's summat up between him and Anna, but doesn't know what happened between them in the past.  Lying to Eileen, Phelan tells her that Anna used to fancy him and they had a one night stand which he immediately regretted.

Having swallowed Phelan's lies, Eileen thanks him for being honest with her. 

When Michael finds out that Eileen's fallen for Phelan (sorry, couldn't resist), he goes to the pub to drown his sorrows. Ooh, look who'll there to help him...

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  1. Gail's face while she's simpering after Michael makes me want to throw up. Grow up already.

  2. A terrific performance from Connor McIntyre as Phelan last night, which rather put Les Dennis's angry face acting to shame.

    But I hope Anna finally tells Kevin what really happened soon.

  3. Eileen deserves him. She has become such a horrible character

  4. wow that Eileen is shallow.

  5. Eileen makes me cringe. She deserves to be destroyed by Phelan, to be honest.

    Les Dennis' feeble attempts at making an angry face were cringe-worthy too. :/
