Tuesday 16 February 2016

Phelan attacks Anna on Coronation Street

What with Izzy being attacked by a drug dealer, there's going to be a miserable week next week on Coronation Street. And we've also got Anna being attacked by Phelan.

Inside Soap magazine reveal that Phelan starts a campaign of intimidation against Anna next week on the Street.

It ramps up so much that Phelan throws Anna up against the wall and threatens her with a particularly vile and insulting comment.  However, Kevin overhears and realises he's had it wrong about Phelan all this time and should have listened to Anna.

Phelan and Kev then have a big fight which Tim breaks up.

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  1. Is this a violence against women theme or just an homage to Valentine's Day? Watching Corrie you'd think everyone's busy beating the crap out of everyone in Manchester - spouses, enemies, parents. Good grief!

  2. Not being a fan of EastEnders, but having heard lots of comments over the years, I am presuming that Corrie is really trying to be another EE - golly I think the end is nigh

  3. "Phelan and Kev then have a big fight which Tim breaks up."

    I think a lump like Phelan could take on Kev & Tim at the same time, with one arm tied behind his back.
