Sunday 14 February 2016

Coronation Street's top 5 most romantic moments

In honour of St. Valentine's day today, let's have a look at some of Coronation Street's most romantic moments.  These are some of my personal favourites, so please do leave a comment below if yours isn't mentioned as I'd love to know what other people love too.

In no special order, here we go with my top 5 of Coronation Street's most romantic moments.

1. Curly names a star after Raquel

A beautiful, touching scene from Christmas 1994. Curly points to the heavens and tells Raquel he's named a star after her. It's called Mrs Raquel Watts.

2. Roy and Hayley at the airport

After Hayley had her gender reassignment operation, she followed Roy to the airport and wrote, in red lipstick on the window the words he longed to hear: "I'm coming with you."  You can watch the clip, below, with commentary from Julie Hesmondhalgh, who played Hayley Cropper.

3.  Stan and Hilda's second honeymoon

The Ogdens won third prize in a "Loving Cup Shandies" competition - a second honeymoon night in a five-star hotel with her winning slogan "Be a mistress as well as a wife and your husband'll still be a boyfriend".  The scene above gave rise to one of Corrie's best loved lines.  Stan: "What's that lipstick taste of?" Hilda: "Woman, Stanley. Woman"

4. Deirdre agrees to marry Ken, for the second time
In 2005 Deirdre finally accepted Ken's proposal of marriage - and agreed to marry him (for the 2nd time).  Ken got down on one knee, in the rain, while Deirdre was sitting on Maxine's bench outside of the hair salon.  What a lovely place for a proposal.

5. Vera's ghost returns as Jack Duckworth dies

When Jack Duckworth died in his armchair at No. 9, his little swamp duck Vera returned to take him away with her.

What are some of your favourite romantic moments from our favourite show?

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  1. What a great selection! Roy/Hayley and Jack/Vera are our favourites of those. We'd also pick Bev accepting Fred's proposal, and Maria and Tyrone up Blackpool Tower.

  2. Craig and Caitlin sitting [under] a tree

  3. 2 and 5 are brilliant. More recently, I loved the scene when Roy and Cathy said that they loved each other. What about Kirk serenading Fizz by singing Eminem? And Steve lying in court to save Becky.

  4. No gays or lesbians? ;)

  5. Anonymous, according to the ITV previews, the lesbians will be involved in another domestic abuse storyline, not loving that's for sure.

  6. The ghost of Vera was one of my all time fav. scenes. I still tear up thinking and reading about it.

  7. Pat and Eileen for sure. My stomach turns every time they get cuddly.

    1. We cannot wait to see the back end of Pat. How long can he get way with his evil acts? My wife will not watch the scenes with him in them!

  8. #5 Vera's ghost.....great idea and a heart warming scene. One of the best!
