Saturday 2 January 2016

Video: Carla Connor left for dead after Bistro break-in

A video teaser has been released showing Carla Connor left for dead.  It happens after Carla gets beaten up by some thugs who break into The Bistro.  You can watch the teaser video below. 

Alison King, who plays Carla Connor, is leaving the show later this year. The actress has asked to take a break but has said that she definitely wants to return

Check out our list of other people taking a break, returning to Corrie or joining the show - it's all here!
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  1. I would prefer that the headline not contain the actual spoiler.

  2. I wonder if they're going to use the same 2 'thugs' that threatened Audrey, threatened Liz, beat up Jason on and on...

  3. Correct me if I am wrong but the thug looks like Steph's ex. The one who blackmailed her over the photos.
    I read somewhere that he is released on bail soon.

    Trailer looks good though.

  4. The trailer is okay - would have been better if we hadn't figured out long ago about Phelan returning to shake up Anna's world. She obviously had to be with Kevin for any type of revenge plot, being single wouldn't have caused any worry as far as Phelan was concerned.

  5. ummmmm.....exciting times lay ahead....thanks for the heads-up!

  6. Ohhhh... Exciting stuff coming up! Can't wait! :D


  7. I took another look at a picture of Carla being terrorized and you are right Anonymous that is Steph's old boyfriend who started the porn revenge. I guess that is his way at getting back at her and Andy by destroying the bistro.
