Friday 8 January 2016

Spot the Corrie prop - January 8th 2016

Last week's prop puzzle proved particularly perplexing as nobody spotted that the hanging hearts can be found in Sally & Tim's house.

For this week's prop puzzle just tell us whereabouts on Coronation Street you would find this rather dazzling dish.

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  1. Looks like something Carla would own.

  2. it kind of looks like aluminum foil over a pie plate. Maybe that's covering up the shepherd's pie Erica brought to Dev's?

  3. Back room of the Rover's!
    C in Canada

  4. Maybe the Nazirs, who have some unique décor.

  5. Sally @saturnexpress9 January 2016 at 02:25

    My first thought was Carla's as well. But Maggie Muggins might be right ...
