Saturday 2 January 2016

Four fab years of Corrie blogging

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Today marks 4 years since I joined the team here on the Coronation Street Blog. Where does the time go? And what a blast those four years have been!

I believe it's also 10 years since I became online friends with Blog editor Glenda and some of the other bloggers. I think it's great to have a place where you can go talk about all things Corrie in a friendly and tongue-in-cheek manner - from last night's episode to bygone characters like Steve Fisher or Sam Tindall!

As the New Year is a time of reflection and reminiscing I thought I'd look back over my last four years of blogging.

While I've enjoyed writing various discussion blog posts which have garnered many comments and questions over the last four years, there is no doubt that I've enjoyed conducting the various polls.

I conducted my first ever blog poll a few weeks after joining the blog with a top 60 character countdown. Looking back, maybe the voting process wasn't the best so maybe in a few years time I'll do another one. But what was wonderful was that Digital Spy got hold of the results and published an article which in turn appeared in many online sources! That was a great moment and brought publicity to the blog!

Llifon's online poll of fans' favourite Coronation Street characters was featured in The Sun, Digital Spy, RTE and STV.

There have been other polls of course like favourite couples and recently favourite males which were also fun to do. 

Blog team on the new set of Coronation Street, February 2015
Other polls came about through requests by commenters. The A-Z weekly polls were fun to do and spontaneous. The accessories poll was another feature that got press coverage which was wonderful.

Llifon's poll to find Corrie fans' favourite accessory makes news in the local press, and in The Star)

2015 was great as well because I got to interview Corrie director Terry Dyddgen-Jones and also met up with fellow bloggers on the new set in February. It was nice to see everyone face to face!

I was the new kid on the block for a while on the blog but in the last 2-3 years we've had new members to the team which have added an extra sparkle to the blog with their witty and honest analyses. It's wonderful that the team has got bigger as it lightens the load on Glenda and Diane and others. It's a great system where we blog when we want to - there might be a hiatus of six months but the void is being filled on a regular basis.

Every day I read insightful and interesting posts. They are not empty words but passionate about the programme. We bloggers only condemn the show because we love it so much.  It is very much a British institution. But we also defend and praise it - there are ups and downs. No television show can have a lifelong golden age. Despite on its way to retirement age, Corrie has no signs of slowing down.

Let's hope the blog goes from strength to strength in 2016 and beyond!

Llifon Jones, on twitter @llifonj

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  1. Happy Anniversary, and thanks for four wonderful years of blogging.

  2. Thanks so much Llifon! Happy 4 year anniversary!

  3. Happy 4 year anniversary - I have said it before and I will keep on saying it: I actually enjoy the blog much more than the actual show which is a sign of just how well all of you at the blog page are doing - a big THANK YOU and Happy New Year

  4. THANK YOU.....Llifon and the other Corrie bloggers for your dedicated efforts in delivering your daily posts and polls to read and comment on......I VERY MUCH enjoy these and they certainly add to my enjoyment of our beloved Corrie!! Happy 2016 !
