Sunday 3 January 2016

Corrie Weekly Awards for Dec. 28 - Jan. 1

 Auld Lang Syne award: Ken and Audrey's warm friendship.

Out of the Mouths of Babes: Amy, for calling Nessa the Loch Nessa Monster

Revenge is Sweet award: Rob is really reeling Tracy in with everything she wants to hear. Boy, I enjoyed his revenge and I enjoyed seeing Tracy being left with nothing!

Disaster waiting to happen award: Nessa taking nearly 80 year old Ken on a bike ride. One envelope pushed too far.  Also, a drunken and broken Carla and a narked off Robert.

Mercenary award: Amy offered to help her mum clean up the shop. Because she wanted extra pocket money!

Naive award: Eva thinks Aidan's completely different. Phrase of Doom award gets handed out here as well.

Fashion award: Ken's Hawaiian shirt.

Continuity fail: If Roy keeps the cafe closed on New Year's Day, I absolutely do not believe he'd have left the door unlocked so anyone could walk in.

Adventures R Us: Emily, for being full of the adventurous spirit.

Phrase of Doom award: Michelle for assuring Nick "She wouldn't do anything to jeopardize you and her" (oh yes she would)

Secrets and Lies award: Carla's keeping a big secret from Nick. Roy's keeping a pretty big one from Cathy. Tracy lied through her teeth to try to get Robert back, blaming everything on Rob. Didn't work.

Time worn tradition: The Corrie go-to gesture when you've been ticked off in the pub.

Lines of the Week:
Nessa "Hurry up, my weather app says we've only got a 2 hour window!"
Tracy to Rob "You are winding me up" Rob "Well spotted. You're not as stupid as you look" (wait, what?) "You know what? I do think you're as stupid as you look" (uhoh)
Rob "You are the only murderer that gets to walk out of prison"
Emily "I'm not entirely in the dark ages. Ernest had a CB radio, briefly"
Carla "He turns out to be some backstreet Darth Vader? 'I'm your Dad!'"
Robert to Tracy "You're in cloud cuckoo land. I could never trust you again. I could never be with you. Stay away. "
Tracy "Every single person in that house snores. It's like trying to sleep in a motorbike rally"
Amy "I'll help you clear up" Tracy "Awww would you?" Amy "Of course. I could use the extra pocket money"
Amy's advice "Keep saying sorry and being extra good. It always works for me"
Audrey "I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy. Just make sure you're being totally true to yourself"
Zeedan "Why are you both looking weird?" Leanne "oh Thanks, I think you'll find we were both looking thoughtful!"
Todd to Zeedan "I suppose a cuddle's out of the question" Zeedan "You know I'm a black belt don't you?" Todd "As you were"
Nick "I don't suppose social niceties count for much if you're a convicted murderer"
Eva "I'm not going to jump in feet first like I normally do" (Isn't that what you just did?)
Liz "Hello, Hello!" Tracy "Oh great, who invited the Ghost of Christmas Past?" and "It's like an episode of the Golden Girls in here" (Oh i had to laugh at that one)
Mary "Selling ice creams on a beach in Acapulco might sound all sunshine and bikinis, but there's a dark underbelly"

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1 comment:

  1. Illogical fashion statement of the century - Ken's long sleeve Hawaiian shirt. Hawaii and cold weather do not go together, unless you're working at the large telescopes on the big island, in which case you'd wear a parka.

    The Grinch Redeemed: to Norris, for expressing concern, albeit curmudgeonly, for the welfare of his dear octogenarian friend (and being the only one to do so), contacting Spider to see what the school really needed, and missing Emily desperately at dinner post departure. I'll miss her, too, Nozz.
