Tuesday 8 December 2015

Emily leaves - and more Corrie Christmas bombshells!

Joy to the world and all that! Well, not in Weatherfield, obviously. In this week's double issue of Inside Soap magazine there are storylines for Coronation Street over Christmas and into the New Year. There are some excellent interviews too.

Here's the best of the Corrie storylines for Christmas and into the New Year, in a nutshell.

Tyrone's plan to bring Lapland to Weatherfield goes without a hitch, but he ends up skint.  Alan Halsall, who plays Tyrone, tells this week's TV Times that the Corrie version of Lapland has 24 trees, Victorian lamp posts and a sleigh with some very special deer.  Jennie McAlpine, who plays Fiz, says there'll be elves and a carousel too.  Tyrone proposes to Fiz, who doesn't know how deep in debt he's got the family.
Also popping the question will be Robert when he gets down on one knee and asks Tracy to marry him (again). However, Tracy tells Rob Donovan in prison that she'll wait for him to be released and she plans to get back together with him.  Then, Rob sends Robert a visiting order and plans to tell him all about Tracy's scheme.  So, when Robert does stand up in the Rovers with a ring, ready to propose to Tracy, his speech just might contain a few surprises for everyone.  Ooh, I like the sound of this one.

David and Kylie's problems grow when David bumps into Callum's mum Marion while out Chrimbo shopping.

New Year's Eve: Anna and Kev snog under the kissletoe, sorry, mistletoe.

New Year's Day: Roy sorts out some mail at Cathy's house and stumbles across a letter he wishes he hadn't seen. It's a letter from Cathy's late husband, Alan. But what does it say and will Roy tell Cathy he's read it?

New Year's Day: Emily leaves for a new adventure in Peru where she visits her nephew Spider.  Actress Eileen Derbyshire is taking a break from the show and I truly hope she will return.

New Year's Day: Carla sleeps with Robert.  Reeling from the news that Jonny is her dad, Carla hits the booze and the casino, only to bump into Robert. They drink, they flirt and end up in bed together.

And as for New Year 2016 - Sally goes into politics!  Sally Dynevor, who plays Sally Metcalfe says that Sally's ambition shows no sign of waning, she's going to be taking on local politics in 2016. She says: "It's going to be a great storyline, we've already started filming it and it has been really fun. Sally has Ken, Norris and Mary all on board with her, so I reckon she's going to do quite well."  Joe Duttine, who plays Tim says: "Tim's not interested in any of that at all, of course, although Sally wouldl quite like him to be her Denis Thatcher..."

We have more Corrie Christmas spoilers right here!
TV Schedule for Corrie episodes over Christmas and into New Year

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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  1. Sally as a politician will be great. I can see her in a two piece and pearls.

    An echo of when Audrey was councillor. Sounds good for 2016.

  2. I love Roy and Cathy. I hope we get to see them celebrate Christmas somewhat, as well. Still, we might have to wait for New Year for them with everything else going on. I think David Neilson and Melanie Hill are brilliant together.

  3. I hate that they can't let Carla be a rational and happy person for one minute. This is a horrible story line. Lots of people find out family secrets without sleeping w a veritable stranger.

  4. Carla is a tragic figure and Alison King plays her brilliantly. She could easily have remained the two dimensional power b**** she started off as. Carla has the same faults as Peter: achieve personal happiness and destroy it. Guess that Robert will now have a personality change,going from decent to devastating.

  5. They're already milking Sally's "Keeping Up Appearances" act dry as it is. Her venture into politics will be awful to watch. I expect one of the writers' other pet comedy characters Mary will be a left-wing counterpart to Sally Thatcher.

    Sorry to be negative but none of those events/stories are appealing. Carla hitting the booze is something new, I suppose (!)

  6. Sally as a local politician will be great! Sally does have a certain drive and who knows, maybe she'll get to be Mayor some day in her own right? There will be no living with her then!!

  7. Here we go again. A woman is upset but instead of confiding in her fiance she gets drunk and sleeps with a virtual stranger . Carla is madly in love with Nick so she just wouldn'tthis, , but I suppose they have to come up with a story to explain Alison King's imminent leave of absence.

  8. Sorry about typo, of course I meant "she wouldn't do this". 😊

  9. GREAT times ahead!! Sally a politician....how fun will that be!! Ty & Fiz engaged....excellent!! Ahhhh dear Tracey...will be interesting to see how that engagement proposal goes!! Roy & Cathy excellent...they both need some happiness!

  10. The destruction of Carla (again) is very unfortunate but I suspect another poster above is correct that this will somehow explain her departure. Speaking of departures, I feel like Emily has been in the cupboard so much that I can't be anything but happy for the actress underneath who can spend some time without the specter of Emily interfering. I know Tyrone isn't the brightest bulb in the pack but this business about him getting the family into stinking debt, particularly because he didn't cancel the Lapland trip, is just ridiculous. No doubt this will somehow lead to a thug getting involved. Good grief.

  11. Love the Fiz/Tyrone engagement, I almost feel like they're married already! Roy and Cathy seem very suited, so that seems to be working out.
    I think they could have come up with a better exit story for Carla than yet another adultery chestnut. I guess that will cancel her truce with Truceyluv too.
    Sally as a politician has a lot of potential, given her ambitions, it's a good direction to shove her in.
    Will miss Emily, even though we don't see much of her. I hope her absence isn't too prolonged.

  12. Robert and Nick are not even near Carla's league. Yuck on both.

  13. Carla and Robert
    Sally as a politician

    I still can't get my head around the scenes with Tyrone, Kevin, and Luke and their bloody Christmas Carol farce...it was just...........stupid.

    Hoping that in the New Year the writing will improve...it'd be nice to see a little more of the humour that Corrie was famous for...actual funny stuff. Stan and Hilda, oops..Sally and Tim could fill that gap fairly well I think.

    Not buying the "Carla, I am your father" story either. Would she really lose it over something like..her life has consisted of murder,infidelity, and addiction for the past few years, hardly likely that it'd send her over the edge...and surely not with her fiancé's chef, where there has never been a spark.
    Bah humbug to the Lapland story too.
