Sunday 6 December 2015

Countdown to Corrie Christmas with retro TV Times - Day 6

As we start December and our thoughts turn to Christmas, we've been running a retro cover from the TV Times each day for a few days.  The covers of the TV Times were all be Christmas ones that featured Coronation Street over the years.

This final TV Times cover is from last Christmas 2014 and into the New Year of 2015. It was at the start of the Callum storyline when Callum came round to the Platt's and caused havoc.

We hope you've enjoyed our little look back at some of Corrie's past Christmas covers of the TV Times.

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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1 comment:

  1. how are the last few years' covers classed as 'retro' - more like recent,right?
