Monday 28 December 2015

Coronation Street double episode review, Monday 28 December

That which is on most people’s mind is, as Liz calls it ‘Crimbo limbo’ – and that we have to have this time, and not race into the new year, in order for us to eat our body weight in leftovers.

Nessa and Ken are cycling but Nessa has had an accident. It is the valiant Audrey who sets off to rescue them. Anyone would think that the cycling will come to an end but Nessa says they will be buying a tandem.

The table tennis competition is tonight and it’s Underworld against the O’Driscoll’s, who have a factory in Knutsford, where Sally can see herself living. Mrs. O’Driscoll is wearing a beautiful blue scarf –  bought in Cheshire – of course.

Carla tells Sally that she must keep an eye on the main event which is the signing of the contract. She tells Aidan too, who seems very involved in the table tennis., even though Carla considers it to be ‘macho nonsense.’

Johnny is anxiously awaiting an email to tell him if he is or is not Carla’s father. He is so anxious that Liz opens it for him to reveal that yes, he is Carla’s dad. Of his younger self he says, ‘If I met him now, that idiot young lad I was, I’d give him a crack across the head and just tell him to tell the truth right then.’

We’ve all wished we had or hadn’t done something – and this is so for Johnny who laments the inability to place an old head on a pair of young shoulders. He feels a pressing need now to tell Carla and insists that she come back to his flat. She does so but is anxious about Roy with whom she is going to a chess event. Eventually, Johnny tells Carla that he is her dad, but that she mustn’t mention this to Aidan or Kate, which, as Carla points out, is keeping a secret from them. Johnny reveals Rob’s bribery

Carla races into The Rovers and Michelle goes into the backroom with her where Carla reveals the truth. It strikes Carla that her husband Paul may be related to her. Carla tells Michelle that Johnny has turned up ‘Like some backstreet Darth Vader.’ Carla then goes to find Roy to apologise when Johnny turns up and Roy hears that Johnny is Carla’s dad. Carla has 2 great friends in Michelle and Roy.  

Norris will not reveal his password to the most trustworthy woman in British television. It turns out that it is embarrassment which prevents him, Emily having noted it down earlier. – maybe not so trustworthy then? It is RitaKabin. Still holding a candle for Rita, Norris?

Spider is in Peru and he has fallen in love with the children he is teaching there. This storyline will lead to Emily’s temporary exit from the show. She is wearing very well though and in tonight’s episodes. Regretting not having been more irresponsible in her past, will lead her to wanting to go to see Geoffrey/Spider.

Rob tells Tracy ‘You don’t really think that I would forgive you? It’s all been a lie – there’s no appeal, no release, no us, no future, no nowt. You’ve been had.’

When Tracy fully realises that all along Rob has been lying, she tells him in no uncertain terms how she feels. ‘You pathetic, hideous, nasty piece of work.’ She could just as easily be describing herself.

Tracy gets her comeuppance from Rob and you have to admire his guile and skill. Much time to kill helps him plot the perfect revenge and now Tracy is left high and dry. Hurtling back to Robert, she does her best to convince him that it is him who she loves. At one point it seemed as if Robert in the kitchen at the restaurant might just take her back but it was a deliberate trick and he sent her packing, As Ken said earlier when Robert was leaving the Barlow’s house, ‘Sometimes I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve Tracy.’

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  1. silly question, but why does Norris think Ozzie is the one leaving his business out on the street - didn't he go with Maria to Cyprus, and if not, who has been taking care of him all this time??? He has never been mentioned since Maria left the street, and if she has gone, why doesn't Luke move into her empty flat instead of living with Tyrone, Fizz and the 2 girls?? I know, a lot of people will tell me I'm just forgetting about the elastic walls. Continuity??????

  2. I believe that Kirk agreed to look after Ozzie; Mrs. O'Driscall said her scarf is made from qiviut (muskox wool), not cashmere. And I don't believe Luke was living with Maria so why would he move in when she's not around? He should move back into the flat he was sharing with Steph and Andy as Michael is at Eileen's.
    The actor playing Jonny and Ally King have features in common and could most definitely pass as parent and child.

  3. Thank you Roni. There was quite an emphasis placed on the "not cashmere". Another "Sally/Mrs Bucket" moment!

  4. Does Ken's hypocrisy know know end?? Let alone his track record in cheating....think of his halo wearing alcoholic son Peter.
    Peter married two women at one time. So excuse me Ken Barlow......don't throw too many rocks around your glass son. LOL

  5. Newfy Pearl,I agree about Ken as I remembered how he was going to leave Deirdre for the woman who lived in the barge [I can't remember her name] and has trampled on Deirdre's memory with Nessa.

  6. I so loved Tracy's comeuppance!!! She figured she could then suck up to Robert and get him back but no way!

  7. That is true, anon 2055. And the actress that played Martha the lady on the barge can be seen on Boomers, which is in it's second season. Must find her name... Funny and different role.

  8. That is true, anon 2055. And the actress that played Martha the lady on the barge can be seen on Boomers, which is in it's second season. Must find her name... Funny and different role.

  9. Stephanie Beecham played Martha.

    I too did love the Rob/Tracey scene, I also thought that his expression when she left wasn't totally triumphant, so maybe he does still have a few feelings left for her.

    The Carla /Johnny thing is working out better than I thought. Not only did she have an awful childhood while he suspected he was her dad but did nothing, he now expects her to not tell his other two, obviously spoilt children. No doubt they will find out in dramatic fashion.
