Tuesday 10 November 2015

Top 25 Favourite Corrie Males - No. 19


Duration: 2007-2009, 2010
Played by: Gray O’Brien
2012 character poll position (men): 14

Of Scottish descent, Tony was introduced as a client of Underworld’s who was clearly smitten with Carla and they became business partners and later lovers.

His ruthless attitude in business infuriated many like Kevin, Norris, Roy and Jed Stone. When Kevin refused to sell the garage to him so he could expand Underworld, Tony tried to sabotage the business. He evicted Jed Stone from his home.

While engaged to Tony, Carla embarked on an affair with Liam. When he found out, Tony arranged for a hitman to run Liam down on Tony’s stag night. Liam was killed: both Carla and Liam’s widow Maria were devastated.

Tony and Carla later married. Jed Stone came to the street and lodged with Emily. When he threatened to tell the police about Tony’s involvement in Liam’s murder, he strangled him. Jed survived but moved to Wigan and kept quiet.

Carla later found out that Tony was responsible for Liam’s death and confronted him. She managed to escape his clutches and left for America. Maria, who at first accused Tony of Liam’s murder, began to soften towards him and they began a relationship. He even helped her give birth to Liam’s son!

Tony later suffered a heart attack. Thinking he was dying, he confessed his evil deeds to Roy. When he survived, he tried to drown Roy. But he jumped in and saved Roy and later confessed to the police and was jailed.

He returned in 2010 hell-bent on revenge. He kept Carla, Hayley and Maria hostage and set Underworld on fire. The hostages escaped and he perished.

A fan of Tony?

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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  1. I was a big fan of Tony Gordon! Maybe it was the accent! lol
    It's too bad they had to kill him off.

  2. The guy scared the bejesus out of me. He was truly scary. Good acting I guess:)

  3. I liked Tony Gordon, one of the best villains ever.

  4. I miss his character, he was very menacing and believable. Reading back over his storylines, they seem so ridiculous...but at the time they were gripping and great to watch. Great actor.

  5. Bit of a nothing villain, TBH. Like most of them, he was better before he killed - battling against Roy and the bats, trying to buy the garage from Kevin and not taking no for an answer. I thought he was going to buy up the street and knock buildings down which would have been far more interesting than being yet another psycho killer. Good actor though.
