Friday 13 November 2015

Top 25 Favourite Corrie Males - No. 16


Duration: 1983-
Played by: Michael Le Vell
2012 character poll position (men): 22

Introduced in 1983, Kevin moved to the street with his family the following year. By the following year, Kevin was on his own again as his family moved away. After briefly lodging with Emily Bishop, he then became Hilda Ogden’s lodger.

In 1986, Kevin met Sally Seddon when he drove through a puddle and drenched her! After a few months of courtship they married and continued to lodge with Hilda. When Hilda left the street in 1987, she sold N°13 to them. For over a decade, they had a happy marriage with daughters Rosie and Sophie being born in 1990 and 1994 respectively.

Since his introduction, Kevin has always been a mechanic. Having worked for Brian Tilsley and Mike Baldwin, he bought the street’s garage in 1996. He’s had several business partners over the years: Tony Horrocks, Natalie Horrocks (a sleeping partner in more ways than one!), Tyrone Dobbs and now daughter Sophie.

In 1997, Kevin embarked on an affair with Natalie that effectively ended his marriage to Sally. Sally sought revenge by having affairs with Chris Collins and Greg Kelly. Despite Kevin wanting to reconcile, the Websters divorced in 1999.

Kevin met and married factory machinist Alison Wakefield in 2000. Alison fell pregnant and gave birth to Jake, but within hours he died after suffering a Group B Strep infection. A devastated Alison then committed suicide by running into the path of a lorry. Unknown to Alison, Kevin and Sally had slept together on the eve of Kevin and Alison’s wedding.

In 2002, for the sake of the girls, Kevin and Sally re-married. Their second marriage was fraught with arguments as Sally had morphed into Annie Walker with her wanting the best education for Rosie. Their marriage survived Sally’s affair with Ian Davenport but sadly not Kevin’s affair with (the late by then) Molly Dobbs. Molly had given birth to Jack and it turned out that Kevin was the dad and not Tyrone. Despite once again an attempt at reconciliation, the Websters divorced in 2012.

Since their second divorce, Kevin and Sally have become more like best friends and Kevin has become best buddies with Sally’s husband Tim Metcalfe. He had a relationship with Jenny Bradley this year that proved to be a mistake as she had an infatuation with his son Jack and kidnapped him. She was suffering from a breakdown after her own son died. 

He is currently the second longest running male in the programme and in the show’s history, having overtaken Mike Baldwin in 2013.

Are you a fan of Kevin?

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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  1. Interesting to see how the higher up the countdown you go, the more recent the characters are.

  2. Was thinking that myself C.

  3. In fairness, Kevin is hardly a recent character. As Liffon points out, he's the second longest serving male character, clocking up 32 years. But in general, all these polls suffer that sort of bias. I remember around about the millennium, all these Book/Film of the Century polls were top heavy with more recent nominations, for obvious reasons. Still, it'll be interesting to see which classic characters make the Top 5, transcending the generations. Now that would signify iconic status.
