Tuesday 3 November 2015

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, November 9 - 13

Without any piffle, here's the storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday November 9 to Friday November 13
Note only one episode next Friday night

Jonny shocks Sally, Tracy’s not happy with Ken’s search for love, Amy catches Liz kissing Tony, Erica starts work in the corner shop and Dev offers her the flat above, Tyrone plans to bring Lapland to Weatherfield, Simon returns home.
The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net 

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1 comment:

  1. Good old psycho control-freak David, telling Kylie he's saved her from jail when all they had to do was tell the police Kylie defended Sarah from being attacked by Callum! Now he's further compounding his control by telling everyone Kylie's on the drugs again. What a hero.

    Ken strikes me as someone who needs to have a partner; some people just do not function well on their own. Whether or not the world is ready for it, the truth is that Deirdre is no longer with us and Ken has to focus on his own future. Last time I checked Tracy was a sponger who has contributed nothing to her parents' home so I've no idea where she gets off trying to dictate who can be there or not.

    No matter how much I despise Tracy, the fact that Liz wouldn't tell her of Tony's plan to empty their account/ruin her makes Liz a jerk. The fact that she's willing to get back together with a man capable of doing that says a lot about her poor choice in men.

    Why Leanne doesn't tell Ken, Eva, Social Services, the Evening News or whomever she has to about Simon's mental health issues is beyond me. How can she sleep at night with that under her roof?
