Monday 2 November 2015

Simon Barlow's back - and he's worse than before

When Simon Barlow returns to Coronation Street he's going to be worse than ever, says The Mirror.

After lashing out at Leanne before he went to stay with his dad Peter, Simon will now start hitting out at his cousin Amy.

The attack happens when Simon and Amy are alone at grandad Ken Barlow’s house when Simon, loses his temper and hits Amy.

Mr Curry Sauce tells the Mirror that the Barlows will be centre stage this Christmas, saying: “The close-knit family will be put under extreme strain and viewers will be left wondering if they can get through the turmoil.”

Lashing out at Leanne wasn't the first time that Simon's hit someone. Here he is belting Russ Gray in the face while his mum Cheryl and boyfriend Lloyd looked on.

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  1. I thought we'd seen the last of Simon and it would have been the right time for him to leave. Oh well, hope they handle the storyline sensitively.

  2. Why is he back on the street? I thought he had grandparents that were fighting tooth and nail to get custody of him..what happened to them?

  3. I haven't missed Simon and now very sorry to hear of this negative story line awaiting us with his return.
    Makes me love and appreciate the character Craig even more.

  4. the devil's sрawn returns - not the best news, that's an understatement :(

  5. Oh no I hoped Simon had gone for good. I cannot stand his character. Not to be unkind I don't think Alex Bain is that good of an actor. I also can't see Amy putting up with him hitting her. She is a feisty little character and I think the actress who portrays her is brilliant. Am so not looking forward to this storyline.

  6. More EastEnders style misery. Sigh.

  7. back to changing the name from Corrie St to Misery St. We badly need a new producer and new writers. I was really hoping that Simon was gone for good, and even take Leanne with him.

  8. Oh no he's back, couldn't stand the little brat from day one.

  9. And here's another so very disappointed to hear Simon is coming back. Sadly, I agree with anon @ 12:36, I really don't think Alex Bain is up to the part. He overacts terribly.

  10. I thought the Dobbs-Browns were supposedly center stage this yeat with Hope's 'last Christmas'.I too have not missed Simon nor am I looking forward to a Christmas episode dominated with Barlow misery.
    As in the case with the Platt's Callum storyline,Simon's has dragged on for too long.It's getting tedious seeing the same characters in dragged out storylines.

  11. I never liked the character of Simon from day one either, but I always felt Alex Bain was a good actor for one so young.

    Now that he's older, Alex Bain must still be a good actor as he seems a natural in being able to look very unpleasant in a sneering way, and his behaviour is as nasty, snarling and bullying as I'm sure it's written to be.

    I just wish he'd stayed with Peter and not brought more misery to Leanne and the 'street'; these kinds of stories don't do much for me, anyway.

  12. Someone call Social Services. That kid should be in a mental health facility, not bouncing from pillar to post and bashing everyone along the way!

  13. My mom said if a boy hits you, hit him back harder. Amy doesn't seem like one to back down from a fight, so this could be interesting. HOWEVER, why Simon hasn't been in therapy is beyond comprehension. Not that his plate isn't already full, but a stern talking to from David to Simon and/or Leanne and Ken might keep this kid out of jail.

    Nessa. More Cathy. Bleh.

  14. How many times do we have to say--put a mental health unit in that medical centre!

  15. abbyk, we're teaching our two girls (4&2) the same, and already neither of them take any nonsense from boys in playgrounds! It's not very PC, but if they let boys push them about now what will they accept later on?
    I hope it's written that Amy gives him hell right back.

    Regarding therapy, it seems neither of the major soaps are willing to write a decent therapy storyline. As a British expat who has lived in Australia for almost a decade I wonder if that's a reflection on either a British attitude to therapy versus medication or an NHS bias towards throwing pills at people rather than therapy referrals. Having suffered depression (and mindful that it may be triggered again at any time) I found therapy, both one-on-one and group therapy, really helpful. Several of my friends too. It works. However most of my British family and friends who might benefit from it seem to pop pills and have disparaging attitudes towards therapy. I wish, just once, that producers would try to portray a character going down that route, and I don't mean two sessions and then never mentioned again (ie Steve McDonald).
