Wednesday 4 November 2015

In pics: Sophie Webster's 21 years on Coronation Street

Today November 4 2015 is Sophie Webster's 21st birthday! It's time then to take a look back at Sophie's life on Coronation Street.

In 1994 Sally gave birth to her second daughter she named Lauren. However, big sister Rosie had other ideas and called the new baby Sophie instead and the name stuck.

Ashleigh Middleton played Sophie Webster from November 1994 to March 1997.

Emma Woodward played Sophie Webster from June 1997 to April 2004.

Brooke Vincent took over the role as Sophie Webster in May 2004.

Sophie's led rather an eventful life. She's been kidnapped by her mum's evil boyfriend Greg Kelly. She bonded with Chesney as a friend, started to smoke when she met Nicolette Seddon and the pair of them bullied Gail and Roy. She fell for Cameron McIntyre, breaking Chesney’s heart. She and  Chesney found Ivy Tilsley’s diary in the attic at No. 5 and she wound up mum Sally by sending Norris Cole a Valentine card after Sally had signed it for Sophie, assuming it was for Chesney.

Then Sophie smashed Fiz’s motor scooter up after she found out she was dating John Stape. Desperate for attention from her mum, who was all about Rosie, Sophie started sending Kevin postcards saying “Sophie’s next” when Rosie disappeared. She was jealous of the attention Rosie was getting and in her attention-seeking phase left a pregnancy test kit on full view in the house just so attention was focussed on her and not her sister. 

Sophie turned religious after she started going out with Ben. That didn't last long before her passion for the church turned into another kind of love. She discovered she liked girls and fell in love with best mate Sian.

Sophie survived the tram crash that killed Kev's girlfriend Molly and learned that Jack was her half-brother. Then she ended up in intensive care after a drink-fuelled jealous rage when she found out Sian had fallen for someone on holiday. She started drinking, turned up drunk at church, got on the roof to shout at God, fell off and landed on a car roof.

Sophie's wedding to Sian was called off while the couple were at the altar in church. Sian found out that Sophie had kissed Dev's daughter, Amber.

Ryan Connor then returned to the Street and tried to tempt Sophie into drugs. She got hit by a car while trying to save Ryan, high on drugs, from being hit when he played chicken on the road.

Physiotherapist Jenna Kamara helped Sophie recover from the physical pain of being hit by the car but Sophie developed feelings for her.

Sophie started working in Dev's corner shop and met new girlfriend Maddie in a homeless shelter on Christmas Day.  Maddie died in the fire which started at Victoria Court.

What next then for Sophie Webster?  She's been given a 21% share of Websters' Autos and looks set to be working there and helping out dad Kev.   Love her or hate her you just can't ignore her - happy 21st birthday, Sophie Webster!

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  1. So meaningful and deep is this character that photos of her life on the Street consist primarily of who she's kissing at the time. Very tragic as young Sophie seemed to have a lot of smarts and potential - I expected something interesting from her.

  2. Sorry to say but a lot of your information for Sophie wasn't correct. Sophie got jealous of the fun Sian had on holiday but Sian didn't fall for anyone it was just a mate. The same about the wedding, Sophie didn't cheat on Sian she developed one sided feelings for Amber (which was a ridiculous story only to help Sian/Sacha Parkinson leave). And Ryan never got Sophie into drugs.

  3. Thanks anon for the feedback. The info I have on Sophie in the blog post was all found online as she isn't a character I have particularly followed closely so the info in the blogpost could well be slightly not quite on point :-)

  4. Far as Amber goes, they did kiss but Amber was the one that was encouraging Sophie's crush to prove that she was too young to get married. Yet another relationship down the toilet due to one kiss.

  5. Does anyone have accurate information about the ownership of the garage? Are Kevin and Tyrone equal partners? Did Kevin buy the other garage from his old friend? If so, was Tyrone part of the deal? Will Sophie own 21% of Kevin's share (10 and a half percent of the total)?
