Thursday 12 November 2015

Guess which Corrie couple end up kissing at Christmas?

With thanks to the fab Inside Soap Yearbook we can bring you another Christmas spoiler.  Speaking of the Inside Soap Yearbook, we have five copies to be won in a special competition

The spoiler says that four's a crowd at Sally and Tim's house this Christmas.  Events conspire to ensure that Sally and Tim's quiet Christmas doesn't go to plan and they end up with Anna and Kevin at their Christmas dinner.

While there's no time for romance between Sally and Tim at Christmas as their house grows ever more crowded, the mulled wine flows and Anna and Kevin find themselves under the mistletoe...

Oh dearie me. I'm not sure what Jenny Bradley might have to say about this when she returns next year!

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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  1. Not Sally and Anna?

  2. Sally and Anna would be WAY better then Kevin and Anna. Dear!!!!

  3. Anna and Kevin might not be such a bad match actually.

  4. Nope, you're all wrong. It's Anna and me. Mmm, yes. Commmme to Stephennn...

  5. Anna and Kevin makes sense. Both pretty rough and ready types. She'll love little Jack as a substitute grandchild, Sophie becomes more of a big sis to Faye which would be great, Anna and Sally can have more rows. I don't really care about the characters of Anna and Kevin, and whether they deserve happiness. It's just that the set-up would add a new dimension to their separate family sagas and that's to be welcomed. Best of all, Tim and Kev would have lots to moan about in the Rovers.

  6. As long as Tim and Sally stay together then Kevin and Anna can leave for a better life somewhere else.

  7. Now you put it that way, Humpty, I quite like the idea! Kevin is welcome to the shrieking harridan.

  8. I like that idea! We sort of caught a glimpse in the LIVE but still..nice pairing!

  9. I agree, it could work on a lot of levels, story-line wise...

  10. When Kevin and Anna were chatting at Sally and Tim's wedding that idea floated through my mind and it actually seemed to work.

  11. I was surprised at this, but upon reflection, yes, it works.
    Both single, both not the 'uppity' types, Anna is a mothery type to Jack...I think Sawphie and Faye are cousins in real life too if memory serves.
