Thursday 5 November 2015

Coronation Street Thursday 5th November Episode Review

Hello and welcome to another Thursday review. I would've loved to have reviewed last week's Thursday ep too but I was in Spain:-

We start off with Tyrone, Fiz and Hope, who unfortunately can't go to either Lapland or the fireworks at the Red Rec because of the risk of infection due to her chemotherapy.

I don't quite understand why Fiz and Tyrone have no cash. Tyrone is a partner in the garage, which, as we've seen recently, is doing very well and although Fiz isn't working at the moment, they must be saving money on the child-minder. Anyway, Fiz finds out that Ty hasn't cancelled the Lapland trip, a row ensues, but the day is saved when the extended family gather 'round for fireworks in the back yard and Tyrone vows that if Hope can't go to Lapland, then Lapland will come to Hope. It seems that all will be OK in the Dobbs-Brown household, until the heart-rending moment when Tyrone finds Hope's hair falling out and he breaks down in tears.
I'm loving Ted "Den Perry" Robbins as Brendan. I thought he was going to be more of a rambunctious, OTT character, à la Reg Holdsworth, but his character is somewhat more subtle. I also like that Mary has got a boyfriend, albeit a bit of a dodgy one. I know that some aren't that fond of Mad Mary, but I find it amusing the way her mood changes on a pinhead, going from delightfully quirky one moment to crazily aggressive the next. She goes ghost-hunting in a dashing anorak in the daytime with Brendan and his vintage electromagnetic field detector-slash-lunchbox and a slice of parkin.

We never get to see if the ghost of Guy Fawkes turns up, or if Brendan intends to make a move on Mary, as Dev, concerned about Mary's safety, turns up to interrupt the spooky goings on. It might have been worse, it could have been Derek Acorah manifesting in Butterthorn Hall.

I'm also fond of new character Nessa, who seems to have a bit more about her than her sister, Cathy. Putting her in the salon is a great move, she's a bit like a low-rent Claudia, even calling Audrey "Aud" as her tales of Sheena Easton's double crown distract Audrey and David, leading to a customer absconding without paying. I was amused by Audrey asking Nessa to tone it down in front of the customers - I really thought everyone went to the salon less for lowlights and more for the highlights of the latest goings-on.

However, I can't help but feel that Nessa is just an obstacle in the road to Ken and Audrey (Kaudrey?)'s future relationship. But in the meantime, it's always nice to have a dunk in the afternoon, isn't it?

Meanwhile, Tony is trying to get his feet under Liz's table and his hand in her biscuit barrel as he tries to tempt her with tickets to Ron Stewart, Weatherfield's premier Hot Rod tribute act, to which she acquiesces, as long as Steve and Michelle never find out, which means that they will do, five minutes after the concert ends.

Some important things gleaned from tonight's episode:

1) Dev really cares about his employees, sharing touching moments with both Sophie and Mary.
2) Mary's mum is a Bennite.
3) Green bras go with everything.

Thanks for reading!

Rachel - on twitter @rachel_stevenson

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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  1. Loved the "green bras go with everything" comment. Corrie humour at its best.

  2. Why exactly did Dev arriving at the hotel ruin Mary and Brendan's haunted house trip? I'd have thought they would have simply told him to get lost! And having "ruined" their day, why on Earth would they then agree to go to the Rovers with him for a drink?

    I don't mind Mary, when she is sparingly used, but as soon as she comes to the fore, she is quite unbearable, and overacts almost on a par with Dev (which isn't easy!)

    Ted Robbins, on the other hand, by underplaying his role, is far better than I expected.

  3. how about 'Auden'? Like the writer ;)
