Thursday 1 October 2015

Corrie set for revenge porn story says The Sun

As always with a tabloid rumour, take it with the pinch of salt it deserves.

There's a story in today's Sun which says that Coronation Street is going to include a 'revenge porn' storyline.

The Mirror have reprinted the Sun's story - and you can read it here. The rumour reports that Steph will be blackmailed by her ex, Jamie after he tells her he's going to post some photos of her online. It is reported that Steph will be left devastated when she fails to stop the intimate pictures leaking.

I'm a big fan of Steph Britton and sang her praises in a blog post here.

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  1. Photos? Hardly porn though is it? Probably just dressed in skimpy knickers and bra or something.

  2. If true, then this sounds like a really tacky storyline. Not good!

  3. Really? It's not what I want to watch on Corrie.

  4. Oh gawd! How low can Corrie go, Corrie is losing its grip on reality. Hope this isn't true.

  5. as they say in the comics - it's all down hill from here. Are the writers really that clueless??? Or are they just trying to imitate Hollyoaks & their dreadful ratings?

  6. The blog post came with the line to take it all with a pinch of salt. It may not be true and as Tvor and I have said, even if it is, it'll be nowt as big as the tabloids make it out to be. If anyone can handle this type of story, it'll be Steph. She's ace.

  7. I actually think it's a very interesting storyline and it's about time Steph was given one of her own. She is one of my favourites on the street, despite having had very little do so far. Am I right in thinking this will be a UK soap first? (It is certainly a Corrie one.)

  8. Now featured in the Mirror, on DS and Huffington Post

  9. This happened to one of my students several years ago. I know because, as I was in her email address book, I received a copy of the photo. Not only was she understandably mortified, but then she had to email everyone she knew - professors included - to apologise. The situation was the same, a jealous ex, revenge in the age of social media. But While he walked away, she did the scut work of cleaning up the reputation he had sullied. I felt for her and believe this could be a valuable storyline.

    1. I agree, it is a very timely storyline

  10. I don't think there's anything wrong with the storyline, I was merely sniggering at the "porn" headline over some photos. As the last commenter said, photos can be highly embarrassing even if they aren't "pornographic". You might trust the person taking the photos but these days, you never know who else might get their hands on them especially if they're taken on a phone what with phone hackers these days.

  11. This isn't Corrie losing a grip on reality. This is Corrie reflecting the current times. Sexting and selfies are common among millenials, and privacy is an issue they are only starting to grapple with.

  12. I also agree. This is serious reality and it is happening all the time across the world. Young women are killing themselves from the aftermath of their reputation and lives being destroyed. I like that they are tackling a current issue. I do hope though, that they follow it through and don't just drop the ball like they did with the bullying issue and Simon.

  13. I agree that this is a worthwhile topic for Coronation Street to address, as tacky or not, it's real and happens to many people. Looking forward to some great acting from Steph if this actually happens.

  14. It's a big issue and after a successful campaign by the victims of what is commonly termed 'revenge porn', the law was changed in the UK earlier this year to make it illegal to publish explicit material portraying someone who has not consented for the image or video to be shared, and with the intent to cause them distress. Good on Corrie for taking this on, in my view - it won't be salacious but more a topical storyline that will reflect something that sadly happens in the modern world.
