Friday 23 October 2015

Coronation Street family trees now online

Our blogger David's brilliant post about Overpopulation Street and our recent post about the Connorisation of Coronation Street proves that there's a growing problem on the cobbles.  There are so many families, clans and characters these days that we're starting to lose our sense of who is related to who, and indeed, why.

We tried a few days ago to put the Connor family tree into some sort of order and despite much confusion by us fans over what constitutes second and third cousins, our plan has been confirmed  correct by ITV.

One Coronation Street fan in Canada is trying to help (thankyou!).  She's started a blog of her own called Corrie Connections in which she's attempting to draw Coronation Street family trees.  So far, she's done the Connor clan:

And the Platt party:

We say YES PLEASE to more of this kind of thing! Corrie fans are the best!

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  1. Great job! However, Becky's maiden name was Granger, not Turner...she and Kylie are half-sisters, having the same mother but different fathers...

  2. That's awesome! Yes, Becky was brought on as Granger so perhaps that parent should just be "mother" but it doesn't really matter. These are great family trees!

  3. That does put it all in perspective, thanks for that.
    I was wondering the same as njblas though, that Becky's maiden name was Granger...where did that come from I wonder?

  4. I'm surprised that nobody got around to doing this before. What a great idea. I did not know that Toad - I mean Todd - had been a father.

  5. Excellent idea! I will use this as a source of reference.

  6. Hey! Thanks for sharing my trees! And thanks to njblas for pointing out the Becky error. I fixed it on the blog! It looks like it's gonna take a team of corrie fans to keep all these relationships straight! haha

  7. Thanks for clarifying these messy families, Shy.
