Tuesday 27 October 2015

Audrey Roberts named top soap pensioner

Audrey Roberts has been given the title of soap's most financially well-off pensioner, in a poll by Scottish Widows.

They say that Audrey is top of the soap pensioners with a likely pot of £100,000. However still working at 75 puts her well above the real world average retirement age of 65.

The research says that Audrey's pension has been achieved through many years of hard work and steady saving. It also notes that she seems the most realistically portrayed pensioner who is set to enjoy a rosy retirement - she can maintain a comfortable lifestyle through pensions and cashing in her investments.

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  1. I would have said that Rita was more well-off than Audrey.

    She had the Kabin, the Builder's Yard, Len's money, Ted's money and probs her parents' money. And with no children as well. Plus she's been an OAP since 1992, and having widow's pension on top of that.

    Emily is another contender.

    Audrey was left nearly penniless after Alf's death as his insurance had run out. But she has been running the salon for 15 years and more now so maybe the money's there.

  2. Didn't Audrey use all her savings when she and Lewis were going to "buy a hotel" in Greece? I know he didn't end up taking her money but I seem to recall it was something well under 100,000 or did she take out a mortgage on the house for it? I assume, if she did and got the money back, she's have repaid the loan.

  3. I agree with you both. There were so many holes in the press release I didn't know whether to blog this or not. I thought I would to see what people's reactions would be!
