Friday 18 September 2015

Spot the Corrie prop - September 18th 2015

Congratulations this week go to blg editor Flaming Nora who was the only person to spot that last week's blinging bag belongs to Liz McDonald. Well done!

For this week's prop puzzle all we want to know is whereabouts on Coronation Street you would find this collection of butterflies.

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  1. This is hard because there are definitely the same butterflies on the wall in Tyrone and Fiz's, but the wallpaper is different.

  2. Leeann's flat! Eden X

  3. It was in Amy's room, when Simon was hiding in her cupboard.

  4. (did my post go through?)

  5. Defo Amy's room.

    - Pod

  6. I'm a little bit OCD, I count things and see patterns in numbers. With all the scenes at Fiz and Tyrone's lately, I've been counting these darn butterflies quite a bit~
