Wednesday 5 August 2015

The secrets of Deirdre's will revealed

Next week on Coronation Street, Deirdre's will is going to be read.  There have been a lot of comments about Deirdre's will on this blog post with some fans surprised that Deirdre would have been organised enough to have written a will.  While that may be true, I think it would have been Ken's department to organise their wills and Deirdre would have taken her will out at the same time as Ken.

Anyway, I digress.  When Deirdre's will is read next week, there's one person who won't be pleased when she hears what it says, and that person is Tracy.  Yup, Tracy Barlow is left out of the will as Deirdre leaves nothing to her daughter.

We'll see Ken tell Tracy next week that Deirdre has left her 80K life insurance policy in trust for Simon and Amy.

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  1. Yes I expect you're right about Ken organizing the wills.

  2. We have to suspend our disbelief in storylines like this. Amazing how quickly Tracy found the 'to whom it may concern' letter in Deirdre's tin. Furthermore, why would she write that if she was in good health as far as she knew? To move the story on but, I agree, some of the plot devices were a bit unsubtle.

    As far as the £80K goes, I wonder if Tracy will dispute the will on the basis that she needs the money to care for Amy. Deirdre must have made the decision on the assumption that Amy would be an independent adult and the Trust side of it was a legal requirement given Amy's age. The Trust will have trustees and I wonder if Liz is one of them. Cue lots of rows about Amy needing money for a school trip and Tracy pocketing the cash.

  3. That was very kind to include Simon along with Amy. I don't believe that Deirdre adopted Peter & Susan as Ken did with Tracy, so Simon wouldn't have been her grandson, legally. Wonder who the trustees will be? Leanne for Simon, instead of Peter, I hope.

    Gawd, those kids are gonna need the money just for therapy.

  4. Perhaps Amy could use the money to put out a hit on her mother.

  5. Strange things happen with wills in real life all the time. Deirdre has compounded the stress on Tracy. Not prone to introspection, it takes a really big occurrence to get her attention. Perhap's this is part of her transformation.

  6. Didn't Tracy already steal savings that were earmarked for Tracy, so she and Rob could fund Barlow's Buys? And then there was Uncle Albert's medal that she tried to sell. I hope the trust is theft-proof!

  7. IF it's from an insurance policy, it probably isn't a will bequeathal as such and if the beneficiaries are listed in the policy, it's not something you can contest.

  8. Wouldn't a will,especially a recent one supersede all including the named beneficiary of an insurance policy which may have been taken out decades earlier?

  9. Deirdre is just following suit. If I remember correctly, didn't Blanche's will leave everything to Tracy and by-pass Dierdre?

  10. Makes sense to me. At aged 40 Tracy is not a self-sufficient adult and an inheritence would scupper what little hope there is of her working for a living. Diedre herself worked from a young age and was not dependent upon Blanche for her basic needs.

  11. I don't know what UK law says, but I don't think a will would override what you've registered in an insurance policy so maybe Deirdre didn't register it in the policy itself. Then it's all part of her estate and a will could determine the beneficiaries.
