Tuesday 4 August 2015

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street: August 10 - 14

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday August 10 to Friday August 14

Simon gets drunk, Sophie's suspcious of Sally and Kev,  Andrea betrays Lloyd over his beloved vinyl, Deirdre’s will leaves Tracy out, Steve returns Rover, Robert moves into No. 1.

The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Not looking forward to a drunken Simon.

    I find it utterly bizarre that Deirdre would have done a will.

  2. why wouldn't she have a will? We've had our wills done since we had children 43 years ago! It's the people who don't have wills that one would be questioning 'why not?'.

  3. Unless she did it to protect Amy's interests. She saw what Peter did to the legacy Lucy left for Simon (the bookies was supposed to be an investment). She knew Tracy couldn't be trusted and it was probably written thinking that Ken would die first. Makes soap sense.

  4. To Anon at 14:00 from Anon at 12:42, you misunderstand me. I find it bizarre that Deirdre as a character would have done a will, she always seemed too airy fairy to have even considered doing a will.

  5. To anon 15.20. Why wouldn't Deidre make a will? I made one when I was in my early 40's. People who know me will be shocked at that too. Deidre had her funeral all sorted in that letter in the quality street tin, so it seems feasible that she'd do a will and get her financial and personal affairs and effects in order

  6. Anon 15:20 has already said why Deirdre wouldn't make a will. She was the sort of person who would think making wills was for old people and wouldn't consider herself old. I agree with Anon 15:20, highly unlikely that Deirdre would have left the letter, never mind the will.

  7. Re: all the above about Deirdre's will, this could have been made much more believable if Bev had said on her return that Deirdre was ill and about to come home to tell the family when she died. So sick of adult children moving their latest lover into their parent's house. Hope Ken throws Tracy out when the truth, unprovable though it may be, comes out about the fire.

  8. Do we know for sure that the £80,000 was bequeathed in the will? Many financial instruments (insurance policies, RRSP's, pensions) allow the purchaser to state the beneficiaries in the financial document itself - no will required.
