Sunday 2 August 2015

Corrie Weekly awards for July 27 - 31

Tangent award: Roy broke into Cathy's house to help her and started on an explanation of why he keeps a fire extinguisher in the car! European regulations and all that. I *heart* Roy Cropper.

Corrie history recall award: Gail mentioned Davenport's car dealership. You may remember Sally had an affair with Ian Davenport when she worked at his car showroom.

Hyacinth Bucket award. Sally, of course, making Tim wear an ironed shirt to go after a window cleaning job.

Trivial Pursuit award: Laughed at Lloyd and Kevin and Tim reading nature facts from the book left in the cab. I love little things like that.

Musical Doors award: I thought there was now a separate entrance door to Roy's flat. Why did Cathy come to the cafe after hours looking for him?

Grand-Mothra of the Bride: Forget Bridezilla, Yasmeen has taken the art of wedding planning to new heights.

Careless but Contrived award: Alya left the pregnancy test box in a bin so the others naturally found it.

Dropped Storyline award: The bailiffs were at Cathy's door, promising to come back. They never did. What happened? She wouldn't let Roy pay them so she must still owe.

Art is Life award: Cathy's portrait of Roy was full of colour, life and nuance, very much like her. Roy sees things in black and white so his portrait of Cathy was the same.

Lines of the week:
Gail about Michael "He might not have had drive, but he had gumption"
Gail about the Dog and Gun "You wipe your feet on the way out!"
Tim about Sally "She drops the K-bomb (Kevin) like there's no tomorrow"
Sally "You're perfectly happy 'pootling'" (so leave him alone!)
Liz to Tony "You know where the viaduct is. I think there's a tram due in 10 minutes" (Ha! Clever!)
Sally to Alya "I diagnose a severe case of being out of your depth" (she is, but not to do with business)
Roy "The one constant in life is change"
Beth about Sally and Tim "I've seen the pair of them sneaking off at every wedding we've ever been to!"
Gail about Bethany "She's a teenager. She sees it (winding up her mother) as a rite. Or, in David's case, a pastime"

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  1. Hoarder Cathy full of life? She has a deeper appreciation of paintings but at the moment she isn't full of life. She is more the sad, grim face Roy painted in his painting of her.

  2. @Anon 17:27, agreed. I thought Cathy's painting was more amateurish, a superficial likeness that did not probe Roy's depth, while Roy's portrait was less flattering but more insightful. Although I really like Tvor's point that Roy sees the world in black and white, which is so true. I wonder who actually created the two paintings? It would be interesting to interview them. Hint, hint. -ELK

  3. Missing Dads: nice that David is spending some time with Martin. Too bad Gary didn't invite Eddie to his wedding. Speaking of, if he's never coming back, maybe it's time for Ted to pop his clogs and let Gail inherit enough to improve her life, maybe buy a small business. Or her own home.

    Its Too Soon: given how suddenly she passed, I think it's a bit early to be packing up Deirdre's things. Did like how Ken gave Liz her bracelet, however; I hope she wears it and let's us know when she's missing her friend. Shouldn't Ken be buried in a mountain of paperwork, dealing with social services, insurance,...?

    We're not even friends yet: nice one, Sinead, for covering Alya's disposal failure. Honey, we get why you didn't do this at home, but next time, wrap it in a big wad of tissue or paper towels or the bag it came in.

    Frosty, come home, we miss you.

  4. Did Alya dispose of the pregnancy test after using it or before? If it was still in the unopened box, Sinead's lie about it being negative doesn't make sense. If it was used, how could Sinead know if it was negative or positive?

  5. She tried to use it once, and didn't but then went in the next day and did the test, stupidly put the box in the bin. I wonder what she did with the actual test? Was that inside the box? (covered in wee so not likely someone would have taken it out anyway but knowing Beth she would have tried!)

  6. So does that mean when Alya confessed to Sinead about sleeping with Jason that she knew she was pregnant? She certainly didn't seem relieved.

  7. Was Cathy's husband the only person in her life? She doesn't seem to have any family or friends or even a job.
