Saturday 1 August 2015

Coronation Street weekly update, August 1 2015

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at 

My highlight of this week has been the sublime acting relationship between David Neilson and Melanie Hill as Cathy and Roy.  These two actors together are creating a partnership on Corrie the likes of which have never been seen before and it’s all power to the incredible David Neilson. He was wonderful with Julie Hesmondhalgh as Hayley and he’s now proving his worth again with Melanie Hill as Cathy.

After Cathy gets trapped by a falling mountain of rubbish she’s hoarded in her house, Roy knows it’s not safe for her to stay there any more. He takes her to a museum for the day where the two of them join an art class and draw pictures of each other. While they’re out of the house, Tyrone, Fiz and Chesney tidy up Cathy’s house to reveal a sofa, a carpet and a panic attack from Cathy when she returns to see what they’ve done.  She’s too scared to stay in the house on her own as it brings too many memories of how she’s let things go since her husband died. Roy, being Roy, asks her to move into the flat above the cafĂ© with him. It’s a safe haven for wounded souls, and Cathy accepts.  I have a feeling that Hayley would approve.

Now that Sally and Tim are engaged, she’s got big plans for her fiancĂ©.  She wants him to move up in the world, and not just climb another rung on his window cleaning ladder. So when Kevin tells Sally and Tim that he’s put a good word in for Tim at a car dealership with plate glass windows who are looking for a window cleaner, Sally’s all ears while Tim turns a blind eye. Sally irons a shirt for Tim to wear for his spec visit to the car salesroom but Tim visits granddaughter Miley instead. After much to and fro, Tim tells Sally the truth about why he turned down the chance to take on a bigger round and bigger windows. “I didn’t want to do it.” You can’t say fairer than that.  Mind you, Sally’s not best pleased.

Over at the Dog and Gun, Bethany develops a crush on Callum while mum Sarah frets about what her daughter is up to and grandma Gail reminds Sarah that she was as bad as Beth at her age. 

In the factory, Alya thinks she might be pregnant after her one-night stand with Jason. Oblivious to all the turmoil going on in Alya’s head, Gary plans their wedding with the families Nazir and Windass. When asked who he’d want to invite to their small wedding, Gary reels off a list of names, none of them being Eddie, his dad. How odd.

At Streetcars, Eileen finds a bracelet on the floor that she thinks a stroppy customer has dropped so she pockets the bracelet, much to reformed burglar Michael’s disdain. He’s also not too happy with Eileen for rubbing Gail’s nose in things and flaunting their relationship in the Rovers. Michael tells Eileen sternly to leave Gail alone: “I don’t want you thinking about Gail when you’re kissing me!”

And that's just about that for this week.

Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week’s writers were Simon Crowther (Monday double); Chris Fewtrell (Wednesday); Susan Oudot (Friday double).  Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Could have been some comedy with Sally ironing Tim's shirt for his window cleaning interview and dreaming of dining with the boss and his wife. Just how many company bosses dine out with their window cleaner? Shame we didn't see more Hyacinth Bucket with Tim winding Sally up rather than taking offence.

  2. I totally agree about Roy and Cathy. The scene at the art gallery where they discussed the emotional impact of art in particular was wonderful. I bet you wouldn't get that on Eastenders.

  3. I'm not even watching Corrie but happened to be in the room when my Mum was watching it and saw the art gallery scenes. It's been a long time since I've seen a couple so natural. I could actually imagine seeing Roy and Cathy out and about shopping, and not question it. The only other current couple I could say that of is possibly Sally and Tim. Fantastic scenes. And I've gotta say, they're making what would otherwise have been a horrible hoarding storyline compelling. More of this and less stunt casting, explosive plots and cringe-worthy scenes please!

  4. I see Kevin has gotten over the trauma of Jack's kidnapping and is back hanging around Sally and Tim again instead of being home with his son.It bothers me how Tim who's a great guy is suddenly portrayed in a negative light so Kevin can look good in Sally's eyes in a contrived ploy to justify her betrayal to Tim with her ex.
