Wednesday 1 July 2015

Coronation Street episode review, Weds 1 July

"Have I missed you? Yes I have, yes I have!"
A very warm Wednesday welcome to this review of a wonderful Wednesday episode. Just thought I'd see how alliterative I could be there and make reference to the heatwave the UK is enduring right now.

I loved this episode from start to finish, which is unusual. As you know, I affectionately call Wednesday episodes the 'bubblegum' episode of the week, or the bridge between Monday and Friday.

Steve arrives back tonight, rather comically greeting the dog more enthusiastically than he greets Michelle. Unfortunately, Liz and Michelle have to reveal the truth about 'Mr Travis' and Tony. Naturally, Steve is shocked, appalled and is determined to track Tony down. I can almost see a twist involving Tony and Liz's new arm candy.

Gail is struggling to come to terms with the fact that her marriage to Michael is almost definitely over. Eileen has fallen victim to many a jokey jibe now that her passionate moment has come to light.

"It's like Fifty Shades of Grey. And I'm not talking about Michael's hair"
"Go on. Let it out. Today is Have a Laugh at Eileen Day, but at midnight it stops!"

She decides that it would be best if Michael leaves her sofa. He is taken in by Andy and Steph and this reconciliation is witnessed by none other than Gail from her window. Later on, in the Bistro, when she confronts him about this, Michael takes his wedding ring off and announces that he wants a divorce. I can't help wondering which surname Ms Potter-Tilsley-Hillman-Platt-McIntyre-Rodwell will choose to revert back to now. 

Eileen has got rid of one heartbroken sofa-stopper and gains another. She has welcomed sister Julie in, who has just split up with Dev after last week's comical love-triangle storyline turned sour. Brian mistakenly thinks that Julie will take him back now that she is single. After a rather camp collision with Dev on the street, Brian bangs on Eileen's door. Julie sends him away by shouting through the letterbox and Eileen comforts her sister with the offer of a biscuit.

"Are you cruising for a bruising?"
"Are you...speeding...for a bleeding?"
"You...are very lucky I left my till unattended!" 

It's the day of Roy's driving test. Or it was, until a panicked Cathy telephones the cafe, claiming that she left her handbag on the bus. Roy, much to the dismay of his friends, cancels the driving test to help Cathy. Fiz  (must she begin every sentence with 'Err...'?) isn't buying into her situation and suspects something weird is going on.  Her suspicions are confirmed to the viewers when a taxi drops Cathy off  which is allegedly close to her house. Lurking by a corner, Cathy waits til the taxi is out of sight and darts off.

"Very odd"
"It's weird!"

In the final scene, Liz and Michelle are whispering in the back room of the Rovers. Liz plots mercilessly to 'play dirty' against Tony. I wouldn't like to run into a vengeful Liz. Exciting times lie ahead I am sure.

I think I'm still finding my way with these blogs but thank you for reading. And if you're in the UK, try not to melt!


Twitter:  @JordanLloyd39

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  1. One of the things that hit me hardest in tonight's episode was David's cutting remark to Kylie: "I can't wait to get back in the saddle." Even if the remark was just for show, Kylie's face registered the hurt, especially after her efforts to restore their relationship.

    On different ground, I noticed something I hadn't before about Eileen's body language as she saw Michael off. She is the butch to Julie's femme. Gail's femme too, for what it's Worth (haha, pun not intended). I wish the writers would explore this more, the next time they put Eileen with a new fella. It could also put an interesting spin on Eileen's rooming house of younger men. She is one of my favourite characters and I wish her presence on the Street would capitalize more on that uniqueness.

    Nice review btw. You have a minimalist's aesthetic and I look forward to seeing what you choose to highlight!

  2. *Excellent* recap sorry to hear about your loving those extra treat for your readers!

  3. As Steve didnt know anything about Tony, how come he didnt really bat an eyelid to see another bloke stuffing his face at the dining table having stayed the night with his mother? All this from Liz who is a grandmother announcing to the whole pub that she is about to go and have sex with yet another bloke is pretty tacky.

  4. I'm so bored with the David and Kylie stuff. We know they had to write around the actress's pregnancy but put them back together now. It's going nowhere.

  5. I'm also getting bored with the Platt dramas dominating the episodes.I'm also not looking forward to the prospect of Fiz interfering in Roy's life when there's no reason for her to be suspicious of Cathy when she should be back at work.

  6. I got bored of the Platt stuff about four months ago. I can recommend using the fast forward button. Works wonders for the enjoyment level.
