Friday 10 July 2015

Waterloo Road actress joins Coronation Street

Dan the Brewery Man brings his daughter Lucy to meet Liz next week on Coronation Street.  And as you can see from the picture above, Liz doesn't exactly give Lucy the warmest of welcomes.

Lucy will be played by actress Sammy Oliver. She played Tiffany in Waterloo Road.

The reason for Liz's anger is that she suspects something is awry at Deirdre's funeral (says TV Times) when she sees how hostile Leanne is being towards Dan.  Liz confronts Dan but he brushes away her concerns.   Liz then goes to see Leanne who tells her the truth about Dan. Not only does Leanne know Dan from her past days as an, er, working girl, but Dan beats up prostitutes too. He's a right nasty piece.

When Liz finds Dan in the Rovers with his daughter Lucy she gives him what for.  Bev Callard says that Liz doesn't care that his daughter is there, she wants everyone to know what sort of bloke he is. She tells him she never wants to see him again.

Could this be the end of Dan, Dan, the Brewery Man?  It just might be as Bev Callard has already confirmed that Liz will get back together with this man...

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  1. NO WAY! Liz gets back with HIM? Whatever for?!'s to trick him into getting his half of the Rover's back?

  2. Who is the actress with red hair used to be in Waterloo road & now in coronation Street
