Monday 6 July 2015

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 6 July

Monday 6th July
THE LAST TEMPTATION OF KYLIE As David and Kylie make an effort to appear the perfect family unit, Callum watches on, both jealous and annoyed. While Kylie gets ready for her drug therapy session, Gemma feigns an emergency and lures Kylie round to Callum’s flat. As David frets, wondering where Kylie’s got to and worried she’s going to miss her therapy session, Audrey reckons she’s back on the drugs. Callum shows Kylie round his flat, pointing out the fabulous bedroom he’s had kitted out especially for Max. Callum puts pressure on Kylie, telling her that she, Max and Lily should move in with him and they could be a proper family. Will Kylie succumb?
LEANNE’S CAUGHT BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE When Simon opens his birthday presents, he’s disappointed that the trainers aren’t the ones he wanted. Leanne’s hurt and promises to change them. Meanwhile when Leanne threatens to tell Liz the truth about Dan, he advises her to keep her mouth shut or in turn he’ll tell Simon that she used to work as a prostitute.
KEN COOKS UP A SURPRISE FOR DEIRDRE In preparation for Deirdre’s return and her 60th birthday, Ken takes delivery of a new oven. But when Liz suggests a surprise birthday party in the Rovers will Ken go for it?
ELSEWHERE Roy arrives at Cathy’s bearing bin bags hoping to persuade her to start decluttering the house. Will Cathy thank Roy for his help?

Monday 6th July
KYLIE’S FINALLY HAD ENOUGH Kylie tells Callum what she thinks of his proposition, does he still have a hold over her? Back at the Platts, Kylie tells David about Callum’s proposition. David’s scathing, his distrust in Kylie resurfacing. Deeply upset, Kylie packs her things and tells David if he can’t learn to trust her there’s no point in continuing with their charade. Will she head back into Callum’s arms or will David finally find it in his heart to forgive his wife and give their marriage another go? Meanwhile pushing thoughts of Kylie to one side, Callum spends the evening spoiling Sarah and tells her there’s no one he’d rather be with. Sarah’s thrilled, unaware that she’s second best.
SIMON CONTINUES TO TEST LEANNE Angry at finding herself blackmailed, Leanne has little choice but to agree to Dan’s request to keep quiet. Meanwhile Simon’s disappointed when Ken presents him with a computer game he’s already got, until Carla gives him the trainers he actually wanted. Simon then refuses to go for a birthday tea with Leanne, telling her that she’s a useless mum and he hates her, before heading into his room. Leanne’s shocked, frightened of what Simon is turning into.
ROY STRUGGLES TO SUPPORT CATHY Can Roy make Cathy accept that her hoarding is out of hand and she has a problem? Carla advises him to leave well alone but Roy is determined to help his friend.
ELSEWHERE Carla amuses herself in the cafĂ© by online gambling. Excited at the prospect of Deirdre’s return, Ken writes her a birthday card.

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  1. I personally think it would be lovely to discover right about now that Simon is not actually Peter's biological child. Give the actor something good to work with and shine a light on how crazy it is that Leanne was able to get full custody of him.

  2. The question is, why would Leanne want full custody of him. Awful brat that he is.

  3. It would be interesting if it emerged that Amy was in fact the child of Tracy and Wally Bannister. At the time, Wally claimed he could not be the father because he was unable to have children. But, you know what, he lied and the truth might be revealed when Amy needs some medical procedure. Steve would go through agonies but would decide he was still Amy's father to all intents and purposes.

    Simon needs a strong male role model in his life, preferably one who isn't romantically linked to Leanne. Did we read that Zeedan is going to take on that role?

  4. Yikes.... Simon is starting to scare the crap out of me just looking at that posted pic.

  5. Simon looks more like Damien 666 in that picture. I am really not looking forward to this. Simon was a cute kid but now needs to go and join his father in Portsmouth permanent like.

  6. Simon is a favourite of mine. Please keep him around!

  7. no - he needs to go and stay with his Dad in Portsmouth - obviously what he is missing right now is a strong male character in his life - perhaps when Peter comes back for the funeral he can see what has become of Simon and suggest taking him back to live with him and then we can all be done with the whole scenario.

  8. ah but I wouldn't really consider Peter a strong male character in Simon's life. He's pretty weak, all things considered. Ken has probably been the only real consistent male figure for Simon but most everyone he gets attached to leaves him in one way or another. Unsurprising he's losing the plot. It's a lot for a 12 year old to handle.
