Wednesday 15 July 2015

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 15 July

Wednesday 15th July
THE BARLOWS LAY GHOSTS TO REST Ken rages at Tracy, pointing out how her years of appalling behaviour took their toll on Deirdre and she spent her final weeks at Bev’s because she was so ashamed of Tracy’s affair with Tony. Tracy reels. As Ken and Tracy exchange insults, each blaming the other for the grief they caused Deirdre over the years, they’re interrupted by the arrival of Peter. Apologising for missing the funeral, Peter explains his train was delayed. Tracy turns on Peter, accusing him of causing Deirdre many a sleepless night, before railing at Ken and Peter, claiming they’re equally responsible for Deirdre’s death. Will they accept this? And will Tracy accept Peter’s request that for Amy’s sake she needs to change her life around?
THE STREET REMEMBERS DEIRDRE At Deirdre’s wake, Liz pours everyone a glass and they raise a toast in Deirdre’s memory. After years of hostility, will Audrey and Bev patch up their differences?
ELSEWHERE Liz wonders why Leanne was so hostile towards Dan at the funeral. Can Dan come up with a plausible explanation? Liz questions Eileen about her feelings towards Michael.

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  1. although sad Deirdre's gone, I'm glad Eileen is Liz's new best friend:) I always liked them together.

  2. Liz keeps saying Deirdre was her best friend but we hardly saw them together and that was before they fell out over Peter and Tina. Agree with above, Liz and Eileen are good together and could bring some normality to the Street, like going shopping together or seeing a film.

  3. So begins the redemption of Tracy Barlow. She'll do a David Platt, all happy families and peanut butter sammies I guess. It won't work I'm afraid. Nobody wants to see a goodie goodie Tracy. She's the bad seed.

  4. "Liz keeps saying Deirdre was her best friend but we hardly saw them together"

    Er, you sure you've actually been watching the programme?

  5. I agree with Humpty Dumpty that, of late, the long friendship between Liz and Deirdre hasn't been on display, except for a handful of girls-nights-out at The Rovers with Eileen, which were interrupted by Deirdre's long absence. In fact, the writers could have done more to emphasize just how cruel Tracy's affair with Tony was, given that Liz had never been anything but a true friend to her mother.

    If I recall correctly, Liz and Deirdre's friendship started in 1990, shortly after the McDonalds moved to the Street. Their children were approximately the same age and went to the same school. In the wake of the Wendy Crozier mess, after Ken and Deirdre had separated, it was Liz who informed Deirdre that Ken was back teaching at Weatherfield High. Their respective crises ran in parallel that year, with Deirdre juggling her Council job and single life, and Liz contending with Steve taking off with girls on stolen motorbikes and Andy threatening to drop out of school and join the Army. From then on the two women, who read as strong female peers, became each other's confidantes and close friends. Comparable to Gail and Sally, Alma and Audrey, Liz and Deirdre were of an age, a shared generation, even a shared perm, which made the bond seem natural.

    What I can't remember is how Eileen became part of the pack? Her boys are about a decade younger than Tracy and Steve, yes? Did she become friends with Liz through Steve and Lloyd?

  6. For what it's worth, here's a clip of Liz, Deirdre, and Eileen grousing about their boys in the backroom of the Rovers. At the end, Deirdre begs Liz to visit Jim in prison and ask him to look out for Peter - the lead-up to Deirdre's nervous breakdown over Peter's trial perhaps?

  7. Although I'm no fan of Tracy's, remembering that the reason Deirdre left was because of her breakdown during Peter's trial,I did think Peter[great to see him back] was a bit hyporcritical lecturing her about being a better parent to Amy when his son is a mess!
    After finding out about Tracy and Tony,I also thought it was hyporcritical for Liz to seemingly condone Eileen's affair with another married man Michael especially since it came out Deirdre was ashamed of Tracy's affair.

  8. In defence of Liz, she herself has affairs with married men. What was so odious about Tracy/Tony was the plotting behind her back to snatch away her pub as well.
