Thursday 9 July 2015

Poll: What's your favourite Deirdre moment?

In the aftermath of Deirdre's death, and with a book chronicling her life being released later this year, I thought it apt to do a poll asking readers to vote for their favourite Deirdre moment.

I've listed a few choices but feel free to add your own. And you can vote for as many as you like!

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  1. For anyone who hasn't seen it, the two-hander episode with Tracy, written by Jonathan Harvey, is possibly the best Coronation Street episode, ever. If you haven't seen it yet, find it on youtube.

  2. Oh I forgot one I meant to add to Other = Deirdre out camping with Ken, tramping through the fields in her skirt and belt, sucking on a cig and watching the sheep and cows with fear.

  3. I liked so many, including when she found out that Ray was having an affair and chose to stay behind in Weatherfield; setting up a business with Emily Bishop to help pay expenses as a single mum; the way she related to Tracy the whole time, always treating her as a little peer; working for Alf Roberts; the tryst with Mike Baldwin to relieve her boredom with Ken; years later - like Tvor said - dancing/crying with Mike when he had Alzheimer's. The relationship with Ken was a brilliant foil for her character, as Deirdre was so much bigger as a personality than he was, just as he thought Coronation Street was so much smaller than his personal potential. Ken should be more lost without Deirdre than Roy without Hayley, imo.

  4. How could you ever forget the AA meeting with Peter, Ken and Blanche? That was perfection. :)

    - Pod
