Wednesday 15 July 2015

Peter Barlow returns to Coronation Street tonight

Chris Gascoyne returns to Coronation Street tonight as Peter Barlow.  In typical Peter style, he missed Deirdre's funeral on Monday night and he's back tonight instead.

Chris Gascoyne said he returned to the show to pay his respects to Anne Kirkbride.

He said: "Well Annie passed away, I wasn’t here at the time, obviously I was very close to Annie and I thought that for Annie and the show Peter would come back so that was the reason really. I was happy to come back, there was nothing to think about at all. It’s been amazing to see everybody, it’s made me realise how much I have missed people and it’s been a fantastic few days.

Obviously Annie has gone, I was able to go to her funeral, and for a while here will be a poorer place without her but I feel I can put that to rest now and accept it. We’ve talked a lot about Annie - myself, Bill and Kate. We were in the Barlows for a long time filming 26 pages of dialogue but we just talked a lot about Annie. It was important for me, in a good way, to be able to understand and say goodbye."

Read tonight's episode preview here.

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