Wednesday 8 July 2015

Coronation Street turn the ginnel into a garden

A Coronation Street-themed show garden inspired by the ginnel will be one of the highlights of Manchester's Dig the City festival this year.

The Manchester Evening News reports that the official Corrie tour at the old Quay Street set have teamed up with Manchester council to create a ‘green alleyway’ installation.

Corrie actress Jennie McAlpine (Fiz Stape) also owns city centre restaurant Annie’s. She said: “As a city centre resident and a business owner in Manchester, I think Dig the City is a wonderful event for locals and visitors. It’s great to encourage more people to consider alleyway greening – if we can turn a ginnel into a green space we can do it anywhere.”

Coronation Street The Tour will be bringing a delivery of beer crates and barrels from the soap’s fictional brewery Newton and Ridley, which will sit alongside planted pots in the exhibit.

The installation will be used to green up a new alleyway in central Manchester after the festival, which runs from July 31 to August 6.  Find out more about Dig the City here.

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