Wednesday 1 July 2015

Coronation Street summer spoilers from ITV

There's a short video on the official Coronation Street website at which has Corrie producer Stuart Blackburn teasing some summer spoilers.

These include Deirdre's funeral being "full of laughter and drama". Robert Preston, Tracy's ex-husband arrives at the funeral.  Peter Barlow also turns up - but misses the funeral. However, he does stay on for a long dark night of the soul with the Barlows.

The Platt household will see Bethany developing a crush on Callum and he uses that against Sarah and Kylie and David in his fight to get little Max.

Roy and Cathy's friendship will develop and blossom.  She moves in with Roy, just as friends.

Carla still feels responsible for the deaths of Kal and Maddie and it means she's feeling troubled. She starts gambling, spending not just her own money but Underworld's too.

New character Aidan Connor, played by Shayne Ward, arrives this summer. He's going to come and rescue the factory and Carla.

And there's an hour-long live episode in September to look forward to, too!

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  1. Ooh, I can't wait for Shayne Ward to arrive - YUM!!

    Not looking forward to even more screentime for Callum and Bethany.

    Not looking forward to Deirdre's funeral, I'll be glad when it's over (and I mean that in the best possible sense).

  2. Looking forward to Deirdre's funeral although it will be sad ��
    Also looking forward to Carla's upcoming story but can't say i feel the same about Bethany and Callum!

  3. I am NOT looking forward to Carla's story. Can't believe that, YET AGAIN, some man is going to come in to "rescue" Carla (think Nick Tilsley, Frank Connor).
    This strong woman does NOT need rescuing by any man and never has!

  4. Nothing about Bethany Platt works as a character. She's lived in Milan where children regularly drink wine. If anything, she would be quite judgemental about people (eg her grandmother) getting drunk. I can just about accept that she was a device to get Sarah back to Weatherfield. It would have been better if Bethany and Sarah had got their wires crossed and Sarah arrived in W'field just after Bethany had left.

    I'm curious to see how they explain Tracy's ex turning up at the funeral. I wonder if they will say Deirdre had kept in touch with Robert. Tracy always said it was Rob who knew her soft side and totally understood her. He seems to have been airbrushed out of the picture.

  5. Oh we all didn't guess Bethany the B-otch would crush on the wooden Callum. he's going to use it against Sarah, Kylie and David? How? As if Kylie would sacrifice her own kid for the likes of Bethany?

  6. This whole Bethany/Callum sounds like a rehash of something done on Emmerdale a long time ago. The teenager, called Ollie, was played by the same actress who was Molly on Corrie (how original, I know). The local bad boy, a Dingle, was out to get the girl's mum, a policewoman. He used the teen's crush to deflower her in order get his way with the mother.

  7. Don't forget Carla's brother who saved the faktry from ruin because he took a few business courses while he was in prison..the woman should retire.
