Sunday 5 July 2015

Coronation Street 'Gail Force' boat up for sale on eBay

Gail Force, the boat used on Coronation Street for filming Joe McIntyre's death is up for sale on eBay.

It's the second time the boat has been featured here on the Coronation Street Blog. It came up for sale on eBay in 2010 with a starting price of £695.  This time the starting bid is £850.

The boat was used for filming in the Lake District with Helen Worth (Gail) and Reece Dinsdale (Joe McIntyre).  Joe sailed off in the boat as part of an insurance scam but died in the process and hs body had to be dragged from the lake.

If you fancy bidding on the Gail Force boat, it's up for sale on eBay here.

Also available on eBay is a holiday in the Lakes in the cabins used for filming this storyline. Have a look here.

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