Friday 5 June 2015

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Friday 5 June

Friday 5th June
TODD EXACTS REVENGE ON EILEEN After Julie confides in Todd that Adrian’s planning a surprise trip for Eileen, she’s thrilled to receive a text from Jeff in Dubai who’s flying into Manchester and wants to meet her for a drink at the Bistro. When Adrian rings, Eileen panics and is grateful when Todd takes the phone, offering to tell him she’s ill. But when Eileen arrives in the Bistro and scans the room for Jeff, she’s horrified to come face to face with a beaming Adrian. Her alarm turns to utter confusion when Todd appears, what has he done?
DEV PLANS AN AWKWARD TALK WITH JULIE A brooding Dev invites Julie to the Bistro to discuss their future. Julie’s overjoyed, thinking he’s going to propose. Mary’s quietly sceptical.
STEPH AND ANDY WORRY ABOUT THEIR FUTURE Steph and Andy dread Nick’s next move, fearing he will sack them or report them for fraud. Steph and Andy promise Nick they only kept up the fraud to protect Michael. As they beg for their jobs what will Nick decide?
ELSEWHERE Beth’s concerns remain even though the doctor finds nothing wrong with Craig. When they then realise he’s lied about going to Faye’s after school, their suspicions grow.

Friday 5th June
EILEEN’S HEARTBROKEN BY TODD’S SPITEFUL DECEIT Eileen squirms as Todd gleefully urges Adrian to give Eileen her surprise. Adrian enthuses about a hotel he’s booked for them. Todd enjoys Eileen’s anxiety, clearly expecting Jeff to arrive at any minute. Unsettled by Todd’s demeanour, Eileen deduces that he set up the meeting with Adrian, and comes to a decision to ditch Jeff and go away with Adrian. Unwilling to permit a happy ending, Todd takes huge delight in informing Adrian about his rival, Eileen’s dream man with whom he could never compete. Adrian’s stung while the penny finally drops for Eileen as she realises that Jeff is really Todd. Can Eileen plead her case with Adrian or has she blown her fledgling relationship? Eileen demands answers from Todd. He bitterly explains it’s payback for the time he was attacked and left scarred after being stood up by his family. Jason’s stunned when Todd confirms that he engineered his split from Eva too. How will Jason react to this? His revenge complete, can Todd stay in Weatherfield?
BETH WORRIES CRAIG IS UP TO SOMETHING Believing Craig has started sleepwalking, Beth and Kirk camp out on the sofa for the night to catch him leaving the house. Rucksack on, Craig slips out of No.5 unseen while Beth and Kirk are distracted. What is he up to?
ELSEWHERE With Julie consumed by Eileen’s heartache, Dev has to leave their chat till another time.

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  1. I think Craigy is helping with the baybay.

    - Pod

  2. I really hope Jason decides to give Todd a matching scar on his other cheek, courtesy of his fist. Todd is a POS who deserves nothing less than a good beatdown.

  3. Would be nice if Craig was paying for extra tuition in order to pass his exams and doesn't want to embarrass his mum.

  4. Despite Todd's nasty prank on his mother,I don't feel sorry for Eileen though as despite Sean's advice to delete 'Jeff's file,she wanted her cake[Adrian] and eat it too[Jeff].I bet she'll make a play for Michael now that his marriage with Gail is finished.
    As for Todd,it seems he's following in Tina's footsteps,ruining everyone else's life when things don't go your way.

  5. Ugh...the whole Todd thing is soooooo silly. It's so past the point now, the big reveal for his revenge is a snoozefest. They seriously needed to come up with a better reason than being stood up. It's like panto now.

  6. Are we taking bets on Craig's night-time exploits? I'm hoping he's tutoring Faye, helping her stay up-to-date on her school work, so that when social services takes her away from Anna because of the abuse, and takes the baby because Faye wants to put her up for adoption, Faye will be able to resume her schooling, since she's still legally required to attend!

  7. I also hope that Craig is helping Faye keep up with school, or has a little job to save up for his own continued studies.

    Todd is a complete waste of space and just needs to leave the Street already. However, Eileen is exactly where she deserves to be. Adrian is too good for her and he's had a lucky escape from that miserable, greedy cow.

  8. Ok I'm confused about the scene in the cab office with Michael and Andrea. He said something about people only caring about a death if the person is good looking which in my opinion is bang on the money especially given all the real life news reports of recent disasters where the pictures of good looking victims are shoved in our faces while the "ugly" ones are kept at the back (for the record no one is ugly to me). Yet we have Andrea smirking next to him. Fair enough she wouldn't know about the real Gavin but it seems a pathetic reaction to what is actually a good point from a character dealing with his own mortality. Are we supposed to laugh along with her because she's such a wonderfully written character allegedly?

    And Mary's line about not wanting to be cremated because of her skin. Are we meant to believe that someone would be so stupid? I love Corrie's comedy but it just seems to forced. The only thing that made me laugh was some of Todd's reactions to Eileen in The Bistro. I don't know if that was intended comedy or not but it was much better than the other intentional comedy moments. Next thing we'll have a clown randomly come on to make us laugh.
