Friday 5 June 2015

Coronation Street fan sites to watch

There are a few more new Coronation Street fans online doing their thing with pictures and images and are worth having a look at.

Copyright Paul Lanagan

CorrieArt is a collection of artwork based on Coronation Street.
Check out their website, facebook and twitter.

Classic Coronation Street is a new fan account on facebook. They post lots of gorgeous pictures from the golden olden days of Corrie. Check out their facebook page here.

And don't forget to check out the Coronation Street podcasters at Conversation Street. There's a lot of love goes into those podcasts. Their website is here.

Canadian Corrie fan Christine Warren has the Coronation Street fun pages too. Check them out here.

And as always, for the fonts of all Corrie knowledge, check out Corriepedia and

If you run a Corrie fan site we don't yet know about, let us know please.

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1 comment:

  1. maggie muggins5 June 2015 at 23:21

    Ooh, the Classic Coronation Street FB site is fun! I'm not on Facebook, so it's nice to be able to view the photos, though I can't leave comments. Some awesome oldies there.
