Thursday 25 June 2015

Coronation Street Blog Quiz: Answers

Thank you to all who took part in last week's quiz. Anonymous 09:41 nearly got a full sweep but was a year out with the 5th photo.

So here are the answers:

1. 1964 - Emily jilts Swindley. Both blogger Tvor and Anonymous 09:41 were correct with Anonymous 16:01 a year out.

2. 1985 - Alf and Audrey's wedding. All three competitors were correct.

3. 1990 - Rosie and David are born. All three competitors were correct.

4. 1999 - The Desais take over the Corner Shop. Both Anonymous competitors were correct.

5. 2007 - The Duckworths' Golden Anniversary. Nobody was correct.

6. 1969 - The bus crash. Both Tvor and Anonymous 09:41 were correct.

7. 2002 - Fred and Evelyn's wedding. Anonymous 16:01 was correct.

8. 1976 - Hilda shows off her 'muriel'. Anonymous 09:41 was correct.

9. 1983 - Ken/Deirdre/Mike showdown. Both Anonymous competitors were correct.

Thanks to all who competed.

Would you like to see the quiz continue on the blog? If so, what kind would you like to see?

by Llifon

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  1. I love your competitions, Llifon, especially the old photos! I'd love them to stay, I really enjoy them even though I never enter them. They must be a lot of hard work for you. Sadly though they always seem to get swamped and lost when new posts come along. Perhaps just one photo/question per competition? Then that's not too challenging for a Bear of Little Brain like myself and I wouldn't 'lose' your post while I go off thinking about the answers.

    1. Not at all Dolly! I love it! Alright, I'll give your suggestion a go next time! :)

  2. Not bad guesses and enjoyed it immensely! John H (anonymous 16.01)))
