Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Les Dennis: "Michael Rodwell's going to turn very angry!"

Les Dennis, who plays Michael Rodwell on Coronation Street, was interviewed on ITV's Loose Women this week.

Les revealed that Michael is going to turn very angry when he finds out the truth about his pretend son, Gavin. We'll see a different side to Michael once he finds out the truth.

Les says that a mystery parcel turns up in the post for Michael. It's a photo album, but what of, and who has sent it?

There's also a short clip of GavAndy about to break the news to Michael that he's not his real son. 
Have a little look at it here.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman20 May 2015 at 07:04

    I dont think Michael could be scary if he tried. Cant blame him for being hacked off at Gail though, she has behaved in a very controlling manner. However as she puts a roof over his head and he would probably be back living in that rundown flat without her, I hope he is not going to be too horrible to her.

  2. Does he know how to drive?

  3. do you think he'll turn green and riр his рringle jumрer to shreds? ooh, they'll all be scared ;)

  4. Colin Schmollin20 May 2015 at 16:29

    Oh goody, face shaking from Michael and Gail whispering, blinking and looking like a kicked puppy!!

  5. I like it. And...it's realistic. It's about time he grew a pair and stopped acting like a whiny child. And who could blame him? He lost the absolute last chance to reunite with his real son, who unfortunately died way too soon. I sure would have liked more screen time from that actor. Anyone would be mad as hell. I don't think there is any amount of eye fluttering that will get Gail off the hook for this.
    I am looking forward to it.

  6. Gail has become such a ridiculous character that it's hard to sympathise with her at all. Michael will rage at her for a while, she'll weep that the marriage is over before it's begun, and then they'll reconcile. Zzzz ... On another point, I realise Michael and Gail need to live nearby so they can endlessly interact with the family but they don't need to live in the same house. Hope Michael insists that somehow they must find the cash to rent a flat.

  7. Michael will morph into the next serial killer. Another explosive storyline and when-will-he-be caught suspense.
