Monday 13 April 2015

Labour Party launch manifesto on Coronation Street

The Labour Party launched their manifesto today on the old Coronation Street set in Manchester, which is currently being used for the Corrie Tour.

Ed Miliband gave his speech near the Rovers Return at the Old Granada Studios, a Manchester venue Labour has visited before - The Mirror had its conference party at the venue in September.  Our blogger Martin was there and you can read his review here.

It's not the first time - and I'm sure it won't be the last time - that Coronation Street has been host to a bit of politics.


Glenda Young

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  1. Ed and the girls... Michelle Collins doesn't look too thrilled.

  2. Cheap transparent tactics. Eton boys thinking the working class will accept them if they latch onto a piece of popular culture.

  3. On the news it looked like they were walking past the replica Rovers from the original Granada Studios Tour of the late '80s/early '90s (the one you could have a pint in); I had no idea it still existed. So do they still use it for corporate events etc?
