Tuesday 28 April 2015

Deirdre's trifle scene nominated for British Soap Award

Voting in this year's British Soap Awards is open on the shortlisted nomintions now. Fans can vote for Best Soap, Best Actor and Best Actress. Vote here if you haven't already.

For Best Soap Scene, one of the nominations is one of Deidre's final scenes before Anne Kirkbride passed away earlier this year.  It's the trifle throwing scene.  We can't vote on this category, sadly, but you can relive the scene by the wonders of YouTube, below.

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  1. THAT was one of my favorite scenes of Deirdre's! Awesome!
    Love the little puff of smoke that comes up off the lamp afterwards too - nice touch!

  2. Very glad this scene is up for the award. A lovely tribute.

    To be honest, I thought it was hilarious and it will always be one of my favourite Corrie scenes now. I have voted for Alison King, David Neilson and of course, Corrie!
