Tuesday 3 March 2015

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, March 9 -13

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 9 to Friday 13 March

It’s Gail and Michael’s wedding day; Real Gavin arrives and then dies!; Eileen tries online dating; Does Emily disapprove of Billy’s sexuality?

The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Wow - Gail's like a magnet for inconvenient truths:)

  2. Gail/Helen must have quite a collection of grey lace dresses. I can think of at least 4!

  3. This may make me look like a bad person but I don't give a wit about Gail's big day! I cannot stand Michael I find him incredibly annoying and whiny and Gail has only known him 5 minutes!Sorry but in my humble opinion that family's priority should be the welfare of Max and not allow a drug dealer to take custody of him. What a complete waste of money to be spend on another bloody wedding!

  4. Oh my...the *real* Gavin dies..so that was who the coffin was for!! Poor Gail...well maybe marriage # 6 (is it??) will be successful!! Kylie dear..when are you coming back from mat. leave to save poor David and Max??

  5. Gail and David are clearly both utter morons.

    Instead of telling Andy he now has to live as Gavin for the rest of his life, she should be on the phone to the nearest coroner or hospital to find out where dead Gavin is and asking for his bloody heart for the transplant!!

    David should be looking forward to mediation with his lawyer, and asking Leanne for tips about taking someone's child away from them when they are involved with a high risk lifestyle.

  6. How much of a bet Kylie gets an absolute ear bashing for 'deserting' them when she comes back. Especially as this family have a strong case of amnesia that David threw her out, never to return!

  7. You wouldn't want to use the heart of someone that could have the same genetic heart condition, though.

  8. Could Gavin's heart be tested like his father's was, to see if he had the same condition? More complicating, though, is who would be able to give permission for the tests and the donation. If Michael is his only known relative, is there a conflict of interest? If Gavin's mother, and/or other relatives, are alive and can be found, would they agree to such a donation, with the family history such as it is?

  9. I know I've said this before, but just because David threw Kylie out, it doesn't mean that he expected or intended for her to disappear completely from their lives. She could still call for updates and make sure her children are okay.

  10. @ Laura - I'm with team amnesia. I think this is a writer problem. One day David throws Kylie out, the next he's asking why she abandoned her family. The writers could have had David tell someone he regretted overreacting, that he was too hard on Kylie, that he hoped they could get their relationship back on track for the sake of Max and Lily. There could have been some kind of transition, not just a sudden and abrupt 180.

  11. Collin Schmollil4 March 2015 at 17:18

    Have to agree I dont give a fig about whispering Gail and yet another wedding - totally ridiculous at her age, when she has hardly known Michael 5 minutes. It makes a mockery of marraige I also find Michael a very negative character with his consistent down in the dumps expression - BAH

  12. I do like Gail's dress though... very appropriate for a second wedding.

    Or a sixth wedding...
    Rebecca in TO

  13. For what it's worth,I don't think David overeacted throwing Kylie out after catching her with drug dealer Callum in their home on Christmas Day with their children in the house especially since she was sneaking drugs for months beforehand and seems more interested in getting her next fix instead of keeping in touch with her children.When Kylie does return,I'm looking forward to seeing her be treated the same way that David was treated after he got revenge on Nick for sleeping with his wife.Gail better support David this time too!

  14. Hi can anyone tell me how Izzy is always visiting her dad and coming through the door in her wheel chair in a first floor flat, how does she get up the stairs!

  15. Hmm, good point about David's change of stance being hard to swallow because it was abrupt and not shown/explained on screen.

    I'll just say this and then shut up about it, because I'm clearly in the minority - if memory serves, David made several calls to Kylie's phone and attempted to contact her through Eva before trotting out the "she abandoned us" line.

    And she DID abandon her kids. Not when he threw her out, but when she didn't answer messages or get in touch to provide contact information for herself in case of emergency. Unless she's dead, David has a right to be disappointed in that, and to call what she's done abandonment.
