Monday 2 March 2015

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 2 March

Monday 2nd March
IT’S A ROCKY ROAD AHEAD FOR THE PLATTS. Callum calls at No.8 with some trendy clothes for Max. David throws them back in Callum’s face and orders him to leave but Max holds onto a cap. Wearing the cap from Callum, Max tries on his wedding suit, but throws a tantrum demanding the clothes from his “real dad”. David’s heart breaks. Meanwhile with Gail and Michael’s wedding approaching, Steph’s worried as Andy admits he’s grown fond of the family and feels like he belongs. So how will she react when she lets herself into Andy’s flat and is confronted by none other than the real Gavin Rodwell, back from his travels!
FAYE’S SECRET IS ALMOST BLOWN. Faye’s struck down with a bad cold and fears her pregnancy is about to be discovered when Anna insists on taking her to see the doctor. Dr. Gaddas diagnoses Faye with a viral infection. Desperate to avoid further probing, Faye’s mortified when Anna mentions her weight worries and bolts out of the surgery. Will Anna realise there’s more to it? Meanwhile when Craig spots Anna hugging a tearful Faye, he assumes the truth is out. Will he blow her secret?
JENNY TRIES TO MAKE PEACE WITH RITA. When Rita learns of Jenny’s sleepover at No.13 she admits to Sophie that she’s concerned Jenny might be after Kevin’s money. However keen to prove she has no ulterior motive, Jenny calls in the Kabin and offers Rita a cheque for £300 towards the money she gave her. How will Rita react to her olive branch?
ELSEWHERE Tony apologises to Tracy for not backing her in front of Liz and suggests they meet up later but Tracy keeps him dangling. When Liz then pops into Barlow’s Buys, Tracy takes great pleasure in barring her. How will Tony deal with the two women in his life?

Monday 2nd March
A TERRIBLE BOMBSHELL THREATENS GAIL AND MICHAEL. A gobsmacked Steph stammers that she’s Andy’s girlfriend. As Gavin chats about his trip, Steph spots some of Andy’s Bistro payslips bearing Gavin’s name and stashes them in her pocket. Gavin explains how he lost his phone abroad so hasn’t had any messages. Unnerved, Steph makes her excuses and flees. Andy’s stunned when Steph informs him that Gavin has returned. Panicking that Gavin will find out how he’s been using his name and will kill him, Andy says he intends to tell Michael the truth. Steph advises him to face Gavin first.
KATY AND LINDA GROW CLOSER. Hearing that Katy’s meeting Linda in the pub, Owen decides to go along, keen to impress his daughters. Katy’s annoyed when Anna and Owen turn up in the pub, and decides to meet Linda somewhere else. Owen’s disappointed while Anna’s frustrated with him.
RITA REJECTS JENNY’S OLIVE BRANCH. Sophie finds a tearful Rita in The Kabin, regretting her confrontation with Jenny. Sophie takes her for a drink to cheer her up.
ELSEWHERE Max refuses to take off the cap Callum gave him. Gail tries to explain to Max how David is a proper father to him, but Max insists David is horrible. When Michael suggests it might be worth letting him see Callum, David goes berserk but later admits that Michael was right and he can’t find any solution other than letting Callum see Max. Gail comforts a broken David. Tim and Sally speculate over Faye’s row with Craig. When Tim jokingly refers to him as her boyfriend, Faye goes mad.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman2 March 2015 at 07:26

    I cannot believe Anna is so dumb that she cannot see Faye is pregnant especially as she is so far gone. The picture above brings back deja vue with the other child mother, Sarah Lou Platt and Gail's total shock - she doesn't even HAVE a boyfriend! I am not looking forward to this at all, firstly we have done it all before and secondly it just gives yet more air time to the Windbags.

  2. I'm not sure why the writers are so enamored of this grotty family; they are second only to the Platts in the "overworked" department, although they lack the depth and history of that family and frankly have always felt temporary to me.

  3. It's reasonable that Anna wouldn't suspect that Faye is pregnant but over the last few months, they must have passed in the bathroom. Furthermore, I assume Faye does PE at school and has to go into the changing room. Wouldn't either Anna or the teacher notice a significant swelling (which it appears to be on screen)? I'm really not looking forward to Anna's screeching and wailing.

  4. I don't understand how Faye didn't know she was pregnant. There's a big difference in what it looks like between putting on weight and being 7 months pregnant!

  5. I have one word to say to David - lawyer! Why does David let that little punk push him around? If Audrey has the money to pay for idiotic Gail's wedding she should give David some to get a solicitor.
