Sunday 1 March 2015

Corrie weekly awards: Feb. 23 - 27

That's not really going to help award: Liz and the towel.

Innuendo award: Tracy is having a lot of fun double-talking about Tony around Liz, as near the knuckle as she can get without actually letting the cat out of the loo, er, bag.

Musical Ambiance (and a nice tie in to a storyline) Queen's Under Pressure playing while Eileen is shouting at Jason to come home and fight for Eva.

Oh Grow Up award: Sophie. What are you, 12? If you're old enough to date who you want, your father certainly is. And if it's the wrong choice, it's his problem.

How not to behave in the hospitality industry:

School Days award: Tim looked faintly ridiculous going to a night class with a backpack and acting like it was his first day in "big" school. All he was missing was the short pants and school uniform!

If Looks Could Kill award: Rita wasn't best pleased to see Jenny.

Not for love but maybe for money award: Owen wasn't going to help Luke but was persuaded by a 50 pound note.

First Impression Fail award: Steph is right. Most blokes try to do things to impress their women. And a lot of them fail. Luke isn't lying in the same way she's been lied to in the past by men.

Lassie award: I'm pretty sure Ozzy was trying to tell Maria that Luke is a big, fat liar!

Entourage award: Did Rita really need the whole posse to give her courage to confront Jenny?

Lines of the week:
Jason "I'm not ill, I'm just an idiot"
Michelle to Liz "Is it because you're worried people will look at you if they play Fat Bottomed Girls"
Todd "Woman are weird" Sean "Pot, Kettle, Black!"
Todd about Eva "She makes Katie Price seem like Albert Einstein"
Steve "That woman is guilty of hideous crimes against beer" (oh give her a break, it's only been an hour, it just takes a bit of practice)
Tony to Tracy "You were grinning like a chorus girl. I thought you were going to get out and sing!"
Liz to Eileen about working in the hospitality industry "Whatever you do, do NOT be yourself" (in this case, very true!)
Rita on seeing Jenny "What was I supposed to do? Slap her?"
Norris about Kevin "You're not exactly basketball material yourself"
Michael "Your modern man can't wait to dress up as a woman. I wonder why?"
Jason to Tony "Maybe I owe you an apology" (you think?)

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  1. D'you know, that's one of the reasons I dislike Eileen so much. I cannot bear people who poke their tongues out, it's just the height of childishness. And it's not the first time she's done it.

    I feel the same way about Kerry Katona.

  2. Frosty the Snowman1 March 2015 at 12:36

    Why does everyone keep referring to Jenny Bradley as Jennybradley? Why not first name only? We dont refer to Rita as Ritasullivan or Norriscole or Emilybishop????

  3. In what context are you talking about Frosty? In the show or on the blog?

    I feel a surname is an important part of a soap character. Just look at Elsie Tanner, Bet Lynch or Hilda Ogden. There are others like Deirdre, Gail and possibly Rita or Emily that we refer to first names only. I feel a blog post coming on...

  4. Pointless character that just goes on and on: Sophie Webster. Really..what is the point anymore?

  5. Frosty may be talking about the way everyone on the Street says (in horror) 'Jenny Bradley'. Even the actress laughed about that in her first interview. Perhaps here on the blog, we've picked up the way the characters refer to her.
